Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kingdom Hearts II NTSC Cheat Codes/Gameshark/Action Replay



9AD826F3 1802B626


 All Bottle Items (98)    HN1M-Q45Z-G1BG9  NDNE-X0AZ-UE1YC  XNPW-UWJP-VFJBB  AJK1-12MN-94HZG  934U-U8Q8-R8ZKR  PVQH-4D7V-3XBVB  TWMX-JG5P-WMX23    20340CE8 62626262  10340CEC 00006262  00340CEE 00000062  00340D49 00000062  20340DCC 62626262  10340DD0 00006262      Orichalcum   1GUA-UQ3U-Y0Q4R  5AV7-8WA7-300XJ    0480B429 1EB4778E      Orichalcum+   8VH3-F8T6-XRZ9V  U6CK-X5ZM-7G4UE    0480B429 1EB4770E      All Accessories    JJPX-9W37-THUPV  QR1D-KAJ4-X9PNF  7XJ4-Z5P7-77ZF0  8QR5-KTNP-Q98PB  Q20T-JMGG-BW0P7  CWY5-X23R-GC3H4  RPDW-F4WT-JA9VY  EG4J-GTQX-KNJY8  J3HW-E332-VQ5JK  0XW0-QGZU-F9H93  KNXX-WY5A-75EKM  6KAD-1J48-M8QMX  7WFJ-D20J-BF0MN  BVV6-VVK1-XZ9U7  7FYD-F386-ECD1J  81JV-DBQZ-FXWHR  T8ZR-36XE-356NP  ZK10-RHEJ-ZACA8  4RNH-TATH-QQ609  6CMP-1J8T-XQTZJ  P042-V5N1-RBWJT  802D-KAFF-RG901  UVN0-D9TA-1PXTW  R05D-JQFK-8Z7PJ  N6CD-YFJX-A3M63  E87H-9H5J-UTQYK  XGJX-6BJB-6H0MD  R69X-BR8M-ZRAD5  WQVV-XVQU-WBTPY  X9YM-M9QM-1ATDD  N834-TJ93-4G0TG      00340CEF 00000062  40340CF0 00030001  62626262 00000000  10340D02 00006262  00340D04 00000062  10340D06 00006262  00340D08 00000062  10340D0E 00006262  00340D10 00000062  10340D14 00006262  10340D18 00006262  00340D22 00000062  10340D24 00006262  00340D26 00000062  10340D2E 00006262  10340D32 00006262  00340D39 00000062  00340D3F 00000062  10340D40 00006262  00340D42 00000062  20340D44 62626262  10340D4A 00006262  10340D4C 00006262  00340D61 00000062  00340D63 00000062  10340D64 00006262  00340D67 00000062  20340D68 62626262  10340D6C 00006262  00340D6E 00000062      All Synthesis Items    ACBJ-E53K-1K1AH  W4BC-GGVX-42441  UUP6-PBH7-VQW46  65M1-6DRZ-F6TZT  10PH-G92P-47HFE  0GJE-4XZ1-Q3M1M  R32F-ED3B-ZW7KF  5AV7-8WA7-300XJ  52GE-8BC2-P1GPY  6B1M-X358-RWQQ0  ANP8-TA2M-9KMDN    00340D77 00000062  10340D78 00006262  00340D7A 00000062  00340D7F 00000062  40340D80 00090001  62626262 00000000  00340DB3 00000062  20340DB4 62626262  10340DD2 00006262  10340DD4 00006262      All Keyblades (98)    ZYK0-A54W-W7T2M   WU77-MXAG-TRDX2   F2D3-M0EN-G7E5E   6FH5-X8UM-KEWTJ   UPUC-YMXP-5HVT2   5E9Q-URGW-CBFYK   9YMZ-QEMT-3WT9K   9BY6-UZB9-PBH74   9MZ1-XZT1-YB1FP     00340D09 00000062  10340D0A 00006262  10340D0C 00006262  00340DE3 00000062  00340DE4 00000062  00340DE7 00000062  40340DE8 00040001  62626262 00000000      All Staffs    6U21-3CPP-6ZU7H  DK40-0N98-EER45  R7EC-CUZ1-VU3FH  N8HU-CC0U-DXHAN  WZXA-KGMT-FVWDB  UEA8-XTF0-C2JY1  A83U-02G9-4C1KE  GQP3-3GA5-002GK    00340D2B 00000062  00340D57 00000062  20340D58 62626262  20340D5C 62626262  00340D62 00000062  00340DE5 00000062  00340DFA 00000062      All Shields    NTMZ-8G9K-2NZZ6  PT71-1E3K-FRC4Q  AVTP-6ZTX-H79RU  U6D7-KHYF-2GNW0  RC89-1AMP-1B3KA  1HBY-Y924-AF2RT  0CW6-CP4N-79BQR  TMJQ-ZZR1-D2VT4  VXAY-2UXZ-KYJUD    00340D11 00000062  10340D12 00006262  10340D4E 00006262  20340D50 62626262  10340D54 00006262  00340D56 00000062  00340DE6 00000062  00340DFB 00000062      Struggle Hammer (DO NOT SAVE!)    VR97-P2YX-2C51N  V8KZ-U9RM-UB140    1033FEC0 00000180


   All Abilities (Sora/Roxas)    XYHK-7UJN-MBD4G  A2M1-KB1J-K6T45  0W9Q-Z7E9-C1YCT  Q4BX-U0PW-WD6VT  A2JK-CUDV-UY4F3  JWM3-KB9F-MF01X  B72W-BRRZ-6XFH9  2VNU-0F0K-18VXA  BE0W-K987-HRYD8  2F3C-6C1F-B6Q20  7CCG-BTK7-P3DXA  RZTZ-2Q08-KF2WV  HDKZ-1568-5WJP1  45Y9-KNAU-1Y508  FE9D-4FTR-HCN7Y  R350-P4JJ-2VP1K  B84B-R7F3-PE15M  Z0YY-ZFWG-XWV9N  6686-9XA9-HE7ME  PB4X-YRDH-EF2WB  V5FE-50P8-1F8U3  HN61-ZHJ9-N7VZ3  G1ZA-HD9G-FRGQ3  3QF2-4F6K-PXKCE  K01U-60ND-PAJB7  5CFX-GC83-NG7VD  3JEV-885E-TPTJW  JCP8-UBPX-QZR1G    2033FF14 0052809E  2033FF18 0186008A  2033FF1C 81938191  2033FF20 810D8108  2033FF24 81888089  2033FF28 81078111  2033FF2C 819B810E  2033FF30 018580C6  2033FF34 81928106  2033FF38 81988110  2033FF3C 810A818D  2033FF40 8195818D  2033FF44 81900181  2033FF48 818C8109  2033FF4C 818F8187  2033FF50 006D0069  2033FF54 810C8197  2033FF58 00A2018A  2033FF5C 81A00184  2033FF60 819A8189  2033FF64 018B819E  2033FF68 819F8196  2033FF6C 019D019C    MP Hastega (Sora)    1YVP-EQ0P-ZK647  NNKE-6NTZ-U39FA    1033FF84 000001A6

Ability Mods

   Aerial Overkill (WARNING: Replaces multiple abilities, do not use in a save file that you care about!)    XPX6-3NXP-NRJ42  X86Q-J8JZ-8J9N2  X958-5H5Q-GACCJ    4033FF1C 001A0001  80A380A3 00000000    Huge Finisher (six finishing pluses)    16JE-96B5-U6KJZ  DRR9-NDE9-HC3ZZ  RR76-GG1W-N6W32    0033FF7C 00000089  0033FF7E 00000089  0033FF80 00000089  0033FF82 00000089  0033FF84 00000089  0033FF86 00000089    Infinite Jump (for normal sora ONLY)    2CPU-NPFV-TVATZ  XZXB-Y20Y-WBCEQ    2019089C 00000000'     Speed upgrade (Normal Sora only)   CM24-4KNY-WTBFY UXHQ-QXGQ-KCK41   21CFC700 41C00000


     All Drive Forms Unlocked    AZWN-G6E0-DZ1YY  XWT1-W0M8-NEGQM  CFJ0-EGAC-X1K0Y  EYNW-CB13-WV2JZ  J730-MNTC-G7Z9C  C2AN-GNG4-C8FR4  TXQE-DR5Q-AMYJ8    20340E28 FFFFFFFF  20340E2C FFFFFFFF  20340E30 FFFFFFFF  10340B24 00000180  10340B74 00000180  10340B9C 00000180      Drive Without Depleting The Form Gauge    X4UJ-6PB4-AKUQD  FRJK-BQEQ-UUF01    21C95308 0A070764      Drive w/o Supporting Chracters (Use in conjunction with the code below)    CE8C-NC7Q-GXHX1  0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9    201C78B8 0000102D      Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive (Use in conjunction with the code above)    71YH-DUZ0-2NJXD  FBCV-81U8-6AB03    201C77E8 0000102D      Infinite Drive    WT9Y-H6A5-YMYU4  2ACT-FB4R-1JJB9    21C95308 0A090964     Summon Alone   FNWB-RR13-18WVK TDT8-VZQ4-84MZB   201C7994 0000102D      Infinite Form    W8XJ-AVRD-5FQEV  28AY-8YVT-MWAYW    201A03B0 46000306      Anti-Form in Drive Menu (look at Donald's armor and  attempt to remove Anti-Form, this will unlock it into  the Drive Menu)    8EX8-H1HU-3B04Z  DR4K-K2F8-PP5MC    1033FFC8 0000001E      Max Level for Valor Form    1V31-Y0QV-AE0PX  MXBP-1E8U-H3VJV    00340B26 00000007      Max Level for Wisdom Form    KV89-WHKA-8TXTN  9BMV-JP6F-TAQK5    00340B4E 00000007      Max Level for Master Form    EH9T-MJJN-1P0G9  5U5U-VPPF-4PJW1    00340B76 00000007      Max Level for Final Form    X80C-TJMA-W9ZZE  FJ1B-5DCF-W4UK1    00340B9E 00000007      Max EXP for Valor Form    2WED-24YD-9KBMG  RVFU-EP7D-M8977    20340B28 000F423F      Max EXP for Wisdom Form    WN65-WK1B-9Z86Y  9YTU-TDQ5-WBJZD    20340B50 000F423F      Max EXP for Master Form    YVMJ-1H6X-C0TQ0  HJX7-5BY9-J9CWU    20340B78 000F423F      Max EXP for Final Form    K4KA-9A1N-6GFWU  Y7DB-U3HP-MY8UN    20340BA0 000F423F      Extremely Low Chance of Going Into Anti-Form    HHJN-78W9-ZT611  W7P9-2N5G-DZF6M    20340BC8 00000000   Drive Into Dual-Wielding Roxas   3W0F-AJD8-ZG9JB V0GZ-6WGP-X653K PTBQ-Q6TF-Z4NYE 6J1V-8G5H-89P80 CAZU-CHVF-3HCTT R5H5-PY1N-XBMHV 0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9 FBCV-81U8-6AB03 2ACT-FB4R-1JJB9   11CFA3FC 0000005A 11CFA404 00000323 21CC3874 000A0001 10340b2c 00000061 1033FEC0 0000002B 201C78B8 0000102D 201C77E8 0000102D 21C95308 0A090964     (WARNING: Only activate the following   four codes at the very beginning, before you gain any   other abilities, they will replace the first four abilities   you get! The codes will take effect after you restart   the game)    High Jump Max     KTPN-YQHY-F4KPT  5EZQ-QVAG-AVFEA    1033FF14 00000061      Quick Run Max    UHMH-NQA4-YMX8M  0W9Q-XAUV-XBAG3    1033FF16 00000065      Aerial Dodge Max    A4V4-14RJ-3CK8R  B58P-786P-0E0WX    1033FF18 00000069      Glide Max    MY9D-4G2Y-NFYEV  FRZX-FC1H-XJ2CN    1033FF1A 0000006D


   Infinite HP    K2ZK-C7RV-50R67  4GYJ-TEH5-F6TA2  PDMN-GVZT-HYWH8  RNM4-KJ16-EH6AG  VJX3-FQDB-17UAD    200F7000 8C820004  200F7004 080682F8  200F7008 AC820000  201666F8 0C03DC00    Infinite MP for All Characters    DA7D-WXGB-0YFTK  U9HM-47P7-XJUWT    201A01F8 00000000    No MP Charge    GUJW-K15G-D4R90  9WHM-428Q-QDADJ    201A0568 10000006      Infinite Munny    9QRU-RNMW-U2MG3  1JY5-Y4JT-CWP4Y    2033FE60 000F423F      Quick Level Up - All Characters    KVFR-T2QY-RV217  5TQ6-HCJE-9H4XW    20340E48 0098967F

Seperate Section/Update! Game Mods

   Entire Game Speed Mod  20356F3C xxxxxxxx    replace the x's with....    3E400000 = hurry the f*** up    V3G9-BHCX-H2FHK  FPZ5-19K6-QHV4G    3E800000 = super slow    MKQV-YFE8-4EDKD  0UU3-X5MH-TF5D9    3F000000 = slow    UY4Q-VJP8-MBTX0  PFMD-JXQK-3ZN2M    40000000 = fast    2HJ1-AN6A-HU61U  9ZU2-XQE7-6GGUA    41000000 = FAST!    KDMB-54EC-628A1  U0FD-XJP3-X4P8H    40800000 = can you keep up?!    JT06-EXHW-QYZK7  PRRK-43Y6-MNXX0      Size Mod (works on things like save points, magic, etc.)  20368920 xxxxxxxx    replace the x's with....    3F000000 = small    W4MQ-RVWN-9GJDQ  CJX7-F11B-74YWU    3F800000 = normal    FAYU-VE3E-5MDQA  XWFG-PQMU-7Y9KM    3F900000 = kinda big    RKJA-9PRT-P576T  AAV7-X3XF-AHNBP    3FA00000 = big    TR7U-EF02-65358  8Z1G-DZUB-EW9UZ    3FB00000 = even bigger    625R-D1R1-622VV  DE45-458E-14EZV    3FC00000 = HUGE    3KZ4-UJ06-CC0KB  69K5-YPQ7-FEQJY    40000000 = WAY TO BIG!!!    ZAG5-PW89-PWRJ8  TX9P-6XZP-UB0AH   Magic Level Mod   201A4CE0 240B000x 201A4CE4 A1CB2524   1 = level 1 spells 2 = level 2 spells 3 = level 3 spells      "Cool Drive" [D] 2037B3B0 ????????   Game Speed Mod 20379170 ????????   More Color to Special Effects [D] 2037CE9C 40000000   Menu Boot Speed Mod 2037F448 ????????   More Electricity/Effects on Drives (Lower Value, More Effects.) 2037EB1C ????????   No Model Colors [D] 2037AE74 40000000   Glide Speed Mod 2037BDD4 ????????   Animation Distance Mod 2037C780 ????????   Invisible Enemies [D] 2037B76C 40000000   Boss Speed Mod 2037A584 ????????   Model Size Mod 2037A180 ????????   Width Mod 20378A08 ????????   Height Mod 20378BE0 ????????   HUD Display Mod 20378D2C ????????   No Subtitles During Cutscens 2037B5E0 ????????   Special Effects Width Mod 2037EAC0 ????????   Cutscene Camera Mod (controls where the point of view is) 2037F130 ????????   Command Menu Mod (not sure what this does, needs testing) 20378DE8 ????????   RC Bar Mod 20378DF0 ????????   L-Analog Stick Speed Mod 20378E6C ????????   Enemies/Bosses/NPCs Full Model 2037AEB0 40000000 [D]   Text Size (Loading Screen) Mod 2037AE4C ????????   Text Size (HUD) 2037AE48 ????????

Seperate Section Difficulty Levels

     Battle Lvl 00 (Difficulty)    NPZE-G22T-EXWGE  AZ10-5FHQ-UAMQ2    20340E8C 00000000      Easy (Difficulty)    YP7Y-720F-6VQUK  X0FB-Z4WT-1R30F    0033F338 00000000      Normal (Difficulty)    45QF-36M2-AAGDV  RH8Z-6JBK-K429U    0033F338 00000001      Proud (Difficulty)    JDJV-KX6E-WNJVT  9MM3-XU25-K8HG7    0033F338 00000002       Battle LVL End game (Difficulty)     DYQ0-UJEU-BHE81   8MPJ-7QU5-DFYRZ    20340E8C 0015FDF9      Battle LVL Deadly (Difficulty)    T6CV-TZFJ-MX248  ZBKJ-PM9X-5Y5M3    20340E8C 001FFFFF      Battle LVL God (Difficulty)    PJU3-PD9F-TZB40  X95R-GFXC-YPVEG    20340E8C 0012FEFA   Impossible Mode (Difficulty) (Use this in every world except The World That Never Was, Halloween Town First Visit, Space Paranoids, and Pride Lands)   CKFZ-NZ8V-YB3N2 5CAW-HXDT-T273H   20340E8C 99999999     King Mode (Difficulty) (Use this only in The World That Never Was)   95CG-NZQG-YCV9X 89Z6-CXDJ-BXZH1   20340E8C 0012FFFE      Battle LVL Default (Difficulty)    UY45-7PVB-K8T03  CQJC-AWAF-4TQ0G    20340E8C 00140401

Playable Characters

 Play as Riku    XRZY-R88Y-UZXMN  JXZW-7MU7-W9V8K  F7XU-M49N-UKN20  QAJH-Q1RQ-RYZ0Q  2YZ0-KR96-04M0Q  KH36-TQBF-6Y141  CK2B-B0RR-FD22U  HHPH-0BN5-N84WD  AHU5-QJ63-J1UW3  PYMP-220R-8RJKC  8A8J-0KWH-EEM71  5X8K-W3CW-PBZ1H    11CFA3FC 0000089B  01CDCE77 0000002E  21CDCE78 7465736D  21CDCE7C 00000000  21CDCE80 00000000  01CDCE96 00000023  01C88E64 00000005  10340E60 000001C6  10340E66 00000001  11CDCE9E 00000002  20340CE4 00020100      Play as Dual-Wielding Roxas    N2CC-4BVH-5DVAB  GQW3-EK52-8A0PK    20340CA4 10101004      Play as Dual-Wielding Roxas (alone)    QXHQ-1BZR-ZTQNJ  RB4C-2QBQ-BUAU8  81GW-3G66-ZKNUZ    40340C9C 00130001  10101004 00000000      Play as Mickey     8YBB-DYUQ-AWZYE  RB4C-2QBQ-BUAU8  QA5P-GBB8-JP1RN    40340C9C 00130001  03020109 00000000      Play as Hooded Mickey    UQRY-G9T5-1RKK0  V2N9-1UQC-ZXGYF    11C95618 0000005B      Play as Sora (KHI Costume)   1QP1-D6J2-D3207 ZBGN-C3Z8-B7Y81   11CFA3FC 000006C1     
Play as Sora (Red KHI Costume)
11CFA3FC 000006C1 21CD2E34 5F303231 21CD2E38 5F43504E 21CD2E3C 00444552
Play as Sora (Blue KHI Costume)
11CFA3FC 000006C1 21CD2E34 5F303231 21CD2E38 5F43504E 21CD2E3C 45554c42
Play as Sora (Green KHI Costume)
5T1D-EV5G-C04D1 ZBGN-C3Z8-B7Y81 3H5Y-TYT7-8FKEC KATP-G75D-58U03 7WFY-1M9V-5J7H6 C5UM-Y5G5-5KQVT
11CFA3FC 000006C1 21CD2E34 5F303231 21CD2E38 5F43504E 21CD2E3C 45455247 01CD2E40 0000004E
Play as Roxas in PJ's
11CFA3FC 0000005A 21CB9930 58455F50 21CB9934 5F303131 21CB9938 5F43504E 21CB993C 414A4150 21CB9940 0053414D
Play as Dual-Wielding Roxas in PJ's
11CFA3FC 00000323 21CC3830 58455F50 21CC3834 5F303131 21CC3838 5F43504E 21CC383C 414A4150 21CC3840 0053414D
Play as Lion Sora NXW7-JQN7-WR033 7KDD-0FKV-RCEUG 11C95618 0000028A Play as Donald JBBE-CDN3-VWD8H K2EH-Z9N6-143UF 11CFA3FC 0000005C Play as Goofy WYVN-XMPM-0GR0F GG0F-0PHZ-1JN9H 11CFA3FC 0000005D Play as Beast WH6R-DHVD-M6YVE 7ZNC-Q6JW-VDXTF 11CFA3FC 0000005E Play as Simba 01ZE-A4H2-P8J6P 0JFT-98XB-9RM7R 11CFA3FC 00000061 Play as Aladdin Q2PG-5V1W-F7K62 4024-E2PH-MQGKF 11CFA3FC 00000062 Play as Mulan KR1Z-4BRF-RGZX1 0JH4-6KV1-BRDE6 11CFA3FC 00000063 Play as Ping 57B8-V48X-H0NPU RC9H-YB6A-ZECXN 11CFA3FC 00000064 Play as Auron NR07-AKX5-TGB8T PVKY-X0C9-R1DT2 11CFA3FC 00000065 Play as Jack Sparrow UCAP-Y1GA-2JK6J AMQA-3JNH-4YYXR 11CFA3FC 00000066 Play as Tron 46VR-XP5P-VVEW2 N9B7-2CTV-DZJG9 11CFA3FC 000002D4 3/4 Sora Fix (This allows you to use two playable characters simultaneously. They will run, attack, etc. in synchronicity.) HU30-4BVN-B047W 8HZ0-FE6Q-KT6JE 201D4990 00000000

Boss Stats Mod

  For these mods, replace the question marks with whatever  values you want. The higher the digits, the more powerful this aspect of the boss will be.   Sephiroth (probably works on other Solo fights as well)   Current HP 11C94F00 00000D48   Max HP 11C94F04 00000????   STR 01C95088 000000??   DEF 01C9508C 000000??   Resistances   21C950A8 ??????64 21C950AC 0064????   Sephiroth replaced by (Use the Universal Character Mod digits for this code) 110E4D48 0000????     Ultimate Sephiroth   G1V0-T7DQ-RUAK1 708U-9XYV-XJ35K 68J3-3MYV-XUM6F 7MVW-7CE7-68HFV D601-N4EF-TZNE2 ZBFH-DTVK-76WBV 3UR9-QHJZ-ATZNP 4M2Z-G1KK-A36UM ED19-BGZ8-6W894 5EWM-RNZ0-ZUKY1   11C94F04 00002EE0 01C95088 00000080 01C9508C 000000FF 21C950A8 00000064 21C950AC 00640000   Twilight Xemnas Stats (credits to Erkz)   Current HP 11C94CA8 0000????   Max HP 11C94CAC 0000????   STR 01C94E30 000000??   DEF 01C94E34 000000??   Resistances 21C94E50 ??????64 21C94E54 0064????

(Problems will be fixed soon) Boss Warp Modifier
E002FDFF 0035B55C 2033E830 YY00XXXX 2033E834 0000YYYY   Replace "XXXX" with the first four digits. Replace each "YY" with the last two digits.   These digits are organized by order of appearance in the game:   2202  9D- Twilight Thorn Battle     1402  89- Axel Battle (II)     0708  01- Rapid Thrusters Heartless Battle      0908  4B- Shan-Yu Battle     0B05  01- Thresholder and Possessor Battle     0405  01- Shadow Salker/Dark Thorn Battle     0706  72- Cerberus Battle     1206  AB- Hydra Battle     0A10  3C- Barbossa Battle     0307  3B- Blizzard Lord and Volcanic Lord Battle     030E  34- Prison Keeper Battle     090E  37- Oogie Boogie Battle      0E0A  37- Scar Battle     0411  37- Hostile Program Battle     0404  37- Demyx Battle (II)     1104  42- 1000 Heartless Battle     0D05  52- Xaldin Battle     0708  4C- Mysterious Enemy (Hooded Riku) Battle      0808  4F- Storm Rider Battle     0D06  0A- Hades Battle (Part I)     0D06  0B- Hades Battle (Part II)     1210  55- Grim Reaper Battle (Part I)     1810  52- Grim Reaper Battle (Part II)      0507  3E- Jafar Battle     090E  01- Lock, Shock and Barrel Battle     070E  40- The Experiment Battle     0F0A  3B- Groundshaker Battle     0911  3A- Sark Battle     0911  3B- Sark and The MCP Battle     0A12  39- Xigbar Battle     0E12  3E- Luxord Battle     0F12  28- Saix Battle     1312  3B- Xemnas Battle     1812  47- Armored Xemnas Battle (I)     1712  48- Xemnas Dragon Battle     1412  4A- Final Xemnas Battle     0104  4B- Sephiroth Battle     (ARMAX Conversions Coming Soon!)

Universal Character Modifier

   Special Thanks to Apostrophe, Darksora45,  Deadman128, Dengarde, GodShin,Hey_Thur,  khkid1212, khpro, Master,NOBLEKNIGHT93,  oblivion9794, Psxman,PWW, Xaldin, & Xerokuzai  for providing and testing the values.    Also Thanks to Master for compiling, re-checking and testing the values.   Universal Characters      Slots (1-4) Normal Slots  
 Character Slot 1 (Sora)  11CFA3FC 0000????    Character Slot 2 (Donald)  11CFA3FE 0000????    Character Slot 3 (Goofy)  11CFA400 0000????    Character Slot 4 (Guest)  11CFA402 0000????
Slots (5-9) Drive slots (substitutes drive form with selected character)
 Character Slot 5 (Valor-Form)  11CFA404 0000????    Character Slot 6 (Wisdom Form)  11CFA406 0000????    Character Slot 7 (Master-Form)  11CFA408 0000????    Character Slot 8 (Final-Form)  11CFA40A 0000????    Character Slot 9 (Anti-Form)  11CFA40C 0000????
Slot (10) Rescue Slot (Substitutes Mickey with selected character when KO'd in certain battles)
 Character Slot 10 (King Mickey)  11CFA40E 0000????
Replace the question marks in the above codes with the four digits from below to have that character active in your party. For example, if you want the Fat Bandit to replace Goofy, you take Goofy's universal character modifier (11CFA400 0000????) and add the Fat Bandit's digits (0001) to the end of Goofy's code. Your final product should be (11CFA400 00000001). Allies
 0054 - Sora  0055 - Sora (Valor-Form)  0056 - Sora (Wisdom Form)  0057 - Sora (Master-Form)  0168 - Sora on Carpet  005C - Donald  005D - Goofy  005E - Beast  0061 - Simba  0062 - Aladdin  0063 - Mulan  0064 - Ping  0065 - Auron  0066 - Sparrow  02D4 – Tron  0819 - Riku
 061C - Leon (Partner!)  06B0 - Yuffie (Partner!)  06B3 - Tifa (Partner!)  0688 - Cloud (Partner!)  016A - Hercules (Partner!)  04BB - Minnie (Partner!)  06C2 - Eeyore (Partner!)  06C3 - Tigger (Partner!)  06C4 - Piglet (Partner!)  06C5 - Roo (Partner!)  0764 - Mickey (without Coat) (Partner!)  04DC - Axel (Partner!)
 06C8 - Chicken Little (Summon)  07F5 - Genie (Summon)  030A - Stitch (Summon)  045B - Peter Pan (Summon)  04F4 - Tinkerbell (Summon)
 0001 - Fat Bandit (Enemy!)  0002 - Trick Ghost (Enemy!)  0003 - Rabid Dog (Enemy!)  0004 - Hook Bat (Enemy!)  0005 - Bookmaster (Enemy!)  0006 - Aeroplane (Enemy!)  0007 - Minute Bomb (Enemy!)  0008 - Hammer Frame (Enemy!)  0009 - Assault Rider (Enemy!)  000A - Nightwalker (Enemy!)  000B - Fortuneteller (Enemy!)  000C - Luna Knight (Enemy!)  000D - Hot Rod (Enemy!)  000E - Cannon Gun (Enemy!)  000F - Living Bone (without Shaman) (Enemy!)  0010 - Devastator (Enemy!)  0011 - Lance Soldier (Enemy!)  0012 - Mole Driller (Enemy!)  0013 - Shaman (Enemy!)  0014 - Aerial Knocker (Enemy!)  0047 - Silver Rock (Enemy!)  0048 - Emerald Blues (Enemy!)  0049 - Crimson Jazz (Enemy!)  004A - Air Pirate (Enemy!)  004B - Bulky Vendor (Enemy!)  004C - Fiery Globe (Enemy!)  004D - Icy Cube (Enemy!)  0077 - White Knight (Halloween Town) (Enemy!)  0078 - Neoshadow (Enemy!)  0079 - Magnum Loader (Enemy!)  007A - Morningstar (Enemy!)  007B - Tornado Step (Enemy!)  007C - Crescendo (Enemy!)  007D - Creeper Plant (Enemy!)  012D - Soldier (Enemy!)  012E - Shadow (Enemy!)  012F - Large Body (Enemy!)  0130 - Rapid Thruster  (Enemy!)  0131 - Armored Knight (Enemy!)  0132 - Surveillance Robot (Enemy!)  0134 - Dragoon (Enemy!)  0135 - Assassin (Enemy!)  0136 - Samurai (Enemy!)  0137 - Sniper (Enemy!)  0138 - Dancer (Enemy!)  0139 - Berserker (Enemy!)  013A - Gambler (Enemy!)  013B - Sorcerer (Enemy!)  013C - Sorcerer v2 (Enemy!)  013D - Creeper (Enemy!)  013E - Dusk (Enemy!)  0158 - "Sparkle?" (Enemy!)  0159 - "White Fire" (Enemy!)  016F - Gargoyle Knight (Enemy!)  0170 - Gargoyle Warrior (Enemy!)  0453 - Undead Pirate A (Enemy!)  0454 - Undead Pirate B (Enemy!)  0455 - Undead Pirate C (Enemy!)  045A - Strafer (Enemy!)  0557 - Crowd of Rapid Thrusters (Enemy!)  0558 - Rapid Thruster (Enemy!)  05BC - Armored Knight (Enemy!)  0555 - Shadow (Enemy!)  0689 - Fiery Globe (Enemy!)  068A - Icy Cube (Enemy!)  0625 - Bees (Enemy!)  0627 - Bolt Tower (Enemy!)  0723 - Trick Ghost (Halloween Town) (Enemy!)  0724 - Aeroplane (Timeless River) (Enemy!)  0725 - Minute Bomb (Timeless River) (Enemy!)  06E0 - Fortuneteller (Enemy!)  06EE - Graveyard (Enemy!)  071D - Bolt Tower + Rapid Thruster (in Mass) (Enemy!)  0723 - Trick Ghost (Halloween Town) (Enemy!)  0724 - Aeroplane (Timeless River) (Enemy!)  0725 - Minute Bomb (Timeless River) (Enemy!)  0726 - Hammer Frame (Timeless River) (Enemy!)  0727 - Hot Rod (Timeless River) (Enemy!)  0728 - Cannon Gun (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!)  0729 - Mole Driller (Halloween Town) (Enemy!)  072A - Emerald Blues (Halloween Town) (Enemy!)  072B - Bookmaster (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!)  072C - Neoshadow (Halloween Town) (Enemy!)  072D - Creeper Plant (Halloween Town) (Enemy!)  072E - Soldier (Halloween Town) (Enemy!)  072F - Soldier (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!)  0730 - Shadow (Timeless River) (Enemy!)  0731 - Shadow (Halloween Town) (Enemy!)  0732 - Shadow (Timeless River) (Enemy!)  0733 - Rapid Thruster (Timeless River) (Enemy!)  0735 - Armored Knight (Halloween Town) (Enemy!)  0737 - Surveillance Robot (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!)  0739 - Soldier (Timeless River) (Enemy!)  073C - Emerald Blues (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!)  0760 - Crimson Jazz (Agrabah) (Enemy!)  0761 - Rapid Thruster (Agrabah) (Enemy!)  07E9 - Large Body (Timeless River) (Enemy!)  0833 - Scar’s Ghost (Enemy!)  089A - Nobody from Final Battle v1  (Enemy!)  08ED - Nobody from Final Battle v2  (Enemy!)
 0133 - Twilight Thorn (Boss!)  04D7 - Hayner (Boss!)  0678 - Seifer (Boss!)  08B5 - Axel (Twilight Town, 1. Battle) (Boss!)  082F - Setzer (Boss!)  0754 - Roxas' Shadow Doppelgaenger (Boss!)  0051 - Axel (Twilight Town, 2nd Battle ) (Boss!)  0015 - Shan-Yu (Boss!)  0016 - Hayabusa (Shan-Yu's Falcon) (Boss!)  0161 - Thresholder (Boss!)  02CE - Beast (Boss!)  0162 - Dark Thorn (Boss!)  0163 - Shadow Stalker (Boss!)  0284 - Shadow Stalker Chandelier (Boss!)  0285 - Shadow Stalker Pillars (Boss!)  015F - Cerberus (Boss!)  031B - Demyx (Olympus Coliseum, 1. Battle) (Boss!)  08F6 - Demyx's Water Clone (Boss!)  0160 - Hydra (Boss!)  039A - Hydra's Head (Boss!)  0167 - Pete (Timeless River) (Boss!)  0166 - Illuminator (Boss!)  03F7 - Barbossa (Boss!)  040B - Volcano Lord (Boss!)  040C - Blizzard Lord  (Boss!)  05CE - Prison Keeper (Boss!)  007E - Oogie Boogie (Boss!)  0299 - Shenzi (Boss!)  029A - Banzai (Boss!)  029B - Ed (Boss!)  029C - Scar (Boss!)  04B8 - The Hostile Program (Boss!)  08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion, 2. Battle) (Boss!)  063C - Riku (Boss!)  0165 - Storm Rider (Boss!)  03E5 - Xaldin (Boss!)  0812 - Hades (Boss!)  0639 - Jafar's Water Clone (invincible) (Boss!)  015C - Jafar (Boss!)  007F - Lock (Boss!)  0080 - Shock (Boss!)  0081 - Barrel (Boss!)  05D0 - The Experiment (Boss!)  0459 - Groundshaker (Boss!)  035E - Sark (Boss!)  03C4 - Sark (Large) (Boss!)  08F8 - Squall / Leon (Boss!)  08F9 - Cloud (Boss!)  08FA - Tifa (Boss!)  08FB - Yuffie (Boss!)  08B6 - Sephiroth (Boss!)  015D - Hades (1st and 2nd Battle) (Boss!)  015E - Hades (3rd Paradox Hades Cup Battle) (Boss!)  0622 - Xigbar (Boss!)  05F8 - Luxord (No HP-Bar) (Boss!)  05FF - "Luxord's Card" (Boss!)  06C9 - Saïx (Boss!)  06FA - Saïx's Claymore (Object) (Boss!)  0646 - Xemnas (1. Battle) (Boss!)  085C - Armored Xemnas
0239 - Save Point (with World Map Option)  023A - Save Point
The digits listed here are not the complete set that have been found. The digits for Objects, Dummies, and those that freeze or do nothing have been taken out. Here is the complete list of digits.

Command Menu Mods

Command Menu Text Mod? 01C88D7C 000000??   00 - Sora   QZF0-02E1-1T6EN KW59-WBH5-08VP3     01 - Mickey   4KCH-9KNX-FE8U4 XM1Z-RVK8-AK2XH     02 - Skateboard   VZQ7-DTEV-91YQV 2F8P-8RFE-PM5EU     03 - Trinity Limit   WH8G-JQMB-A90HR 19HB-QA80-PYMGK     04 - Stitch   ZY4F-4G07-GJPGM UE0X-XMNV-9Y8YH     05 - Chicken Little   KY1Z-Z2HB-AJ4J4 070F-DAQJ-GGP1M     06 - FAKE   D9NQ-RFT6-3NDR7 VP21-MPGT-T3BTU     08 - Bounce [O_O WTF?!]   CJV1-52RZ-40HM3 33KC-EFV3-DZJ3Q     0A - No idea   XMQW-7UYX-XFTZU 3PXK-FXX6-6PVCW     0B - Hovercraft   BA9Z-H1JR-A35V7 F7A5-WCVG-6Y19A     0C - Riku   XKV9-8UHQ-HMUJ3 Z77T-MMWK-QDG39     (0D+ - Nothing)     Command Menu Mod 01C88E64 000000??     00 - Normal Command Menu   9Y2R-EQP0-UCGTH 2E55-3E02-3Y1D0     01 - Magic Menu   HF4J-P4KC-AKX45 QADA-0KPH-2ZR58     02 - Item Menu   Q3CR-WW3D-2R2JU 78CZ-E7AA-758QZ     03 - Drive Menu   578K-HQ73-EPNUJ BNFH-QG09-T31MW     04 - Item Target Menu   2TNQ-EB4G-WAJ24 UZWH-E9BH-DZ5F1     05 - Shortcut Menu   T9D1-3T5A-ZZN49 HHPH-0BN5-N84WD     06 - Secondary Normal Command Menu [The one with Summon, Limit, etc.]   E55X-3M6Z-4GQEK UD29-41PG-7MJK8     07 - Summon Menu   EHV3-CQC0-ZVDG6 F5PD-6YHJ-7UECU     08 - Party Menu   NF5X-ZK4E-BNJ76 3NFA-N5XB-344F7     0A - The Bottom of the Command Menu?   DPCT-3YBA-6WP1G TXT4-N1ER-KP1A7     0B - Everyone   3M55-M4RR-9Y1N7 9ZCB-HD9J-ZCW5Z     0C - FAKE   WW0M-Y85C-XPYEE UT1B-0R6E-73V7B     0D - No Command Menu   TNRE-1RX7-4ARYM D70C-END0-P3ZGY     Use "Shortcut" with Mickey or Riku's Menu, to give them and actual normal menu. Sadly, however, while Mickey/Sora can attack with a normal menu, or Mickey's, they cannot attack with Riku's, and vice-versa, Riku cannot attack with theirs. Toss the UCM in there too, btw.

Drive Modifier

  00340C8C 0000000?   0 = Normal Form   FGX0-J0UJ-NBKBY XYP5-3DTB-4576J   1 = Valor Form (Must already have it first, or it can crash)   D9WF-Y00X-P6MPC 3UQA-N5FX-RMQJ3     2 = Wisdom Form (Must already have it first, or it can crash)   XBGA-5ZR8-BABMM ER8P-1H2N-UY0W5     3 = Master Form (Must already have it first, or it can crash)   YFWU-52MG-QJ4AG TZ6M-0NKM-5282E     4 = Final Form (Must already have it first, or it can crash)   01XD-8CXE-MR875 MZ81-QZZG-F237M     5 = Anti-Form   YR16-JN92-EY6YY FR45-VHGH-7U1C4     6 = Mickey   E8HY-B8BA-FM5NC BA8V-EJUM-0ADG3     (7+ = Crashes game)   Normal Sora will be replaced with the form whose digit you substitute in place of the "?". That form's costume will also appear in cutscenes. However, you must have already obtained that form in order for it to work in this mod.

Model Modifier

 Sora Model Mod  51CXXXXX 00000020  01CYYYYY 00000000    Values  B96F0 - Normal Sora  B9750 - Valor Sora  B97B0 - Wisdom Sora  B9810 - Master Sora  B9870 - Final Sora  B98D0 - Anti Sora  C1670 - Normal Sora [Halloween Town]  C5F30 - Valor Sora [Halloween Town]  C5F90 - Wisdom Sora [Halloween Town]  C5FF0 - Master Sora [Halloween Town]  C6050 - Final Sora [Halloween Town]  C60B0 - Anti Sora [Halloween Town]  D0B50 - Normal Sora [Space Paranoids]  D1210 - Valor Sora [Space Paranoids]  D12D0 - Wisdom Sora [Space Paranoids]  D1390 - Master Sora [Space Paranoids]  D1450 - Final Sora [Space Paranoids]  D1510 - Anti Sora [Space Paranoids]  D0BB0 - Normal Sora [Timeless River]  D1270 - Valor Sora [Timeless River]  D1330 - Wisdom Sora [Timeless River]  D13F0 - Master Sora [Timeless River]  D14B0 - Final Sora [Timeless River]  D1570 - Anti Sora [Timeless River]    This mod gives the form "YYYY" the appearance of the form "XXXX." Please note that this mod cannot be converted for the ARMAX. Use the alternate version below if you have an ARMAX because this mod can be converted.       Sora: 21CB96F4 YYYYYYYY 21CB96F8 ????????   Valor: 21CB9754 YYYYYYYY 21CB9758 ????????   Wisdom: 21CB97B4 YYYYYYYY 21CB97B8 ????????   Master: 21CB9814 YYYYYYYY 21CB9818 ????????   Final: 21CB9874 YYYYYYYY 21CB9878 ????????   Anti: 21CB98D4 YYYYYYYY 21CB98D8 ????????   YYYYYYYY Digits:   00303031 Normal Sora 5F303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model)   ???????? Digits:   00000000 Sora 464C5442 Valor 4647414D Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544C55 Final 58455F50 Anti   Just replace the digits and you're done.

Moveset Modifier

 200F9000 10400005  200F9004 944F004C  200F9008 240100XX [Note 1]  200F900C 142F00YY [Note 2]  200F9010 240F00ZZ [Note 3]  200F9014 A44F004E  200F9018 03E00008  201D14F4 0803E400    [Note 1] - The "XX" values.  These digits signify what character you're modding. Like, if you're playing as Roxas,  you'd set it to Roxas' value. Otherwise, the moveset doesn't change...     01= Sora   02= Donald   03= Goofy   04= Mickey   05= Auron   06= Mulan   07= Aladdin   08= Sparrow   09= Beast   0A= Jack   0B= Simba   0C= Tron   0D= Riku   0E= Roxas   0F= Ping    [Note 2] - The "YY" values.  This part of the code supposedly affects the position of the character's weapon.   However, if you set it to "Sky" on certain people, it freezes, and if you set it to  "Normal" on certain people, they T-Stance when attacking or even moving.    01= Sky  02= Normal    [Note 3] - The "ZZ" values.  This part determines which character's moveset you will be using.    01= Sora  02= Valor  03= Wisdom  04= Master Form  05= Final Form  06= Anti Form *  07= Lion Form  08= SPECIAL **** +Attack doesnt do anything  09= Sora SPECIAL***** (Works Fine) +Gives you a ''magical'' kingdom key.           +Magic has Wierd Effects  0A= Dual-Wield Roxas  0B= No Keyblade  0D= Roxas  0E= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Alternate Moveset   0F= Freeze SPECIAL***** +Mystery Moveset  10= SPECIAL ***** +Alternate Moveset, Runs %40 faster  11= Donald  12= Donald 2  14= Goofy  17= Aladdin  18= Auron  19= Ping?  1A= Mulan?  1C= King Mickey **  1D= King Mickey ***  1E= King Mickey ***  21= >>No Keyblade, Doesnt freeze unless you use Magic<< +Gives Sora           Godlike Running Capabilities +Freeze when switching areas  22= Sparrow  23= Riku ****  24= Barbossa or Will Turner (Works Fine. Gives you a rapier)  2F= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Gives Sora Godlike Jump Capabilities  35- Hacked Sora +God Speed +Kingdom Key  36- Alternate ***** (Works Fine) +You do not possess a keyblade until you attack          in the air +Attacking on ground freezes you  37- Stun4 ***** +Cannot attack +Magic=Freeze  38- Alternate +Alternate Moveset +Do not use Magic  39- Super ***** +No Keyblade +Guard=Freeze +You run SUPER SUPER Fast  40- Alternate Riku ***** (Works Fine) +Gives you Reverse Way to the Dawn           +Unable to attack +Magic, like BLIZZARD is Superfied +Higher Jump Height  41- Alternate Riku2 ***** (Works Fine) +Unable to Attack +When driving or          using magic, Way to the Dawn emerges +You're as fast as playable riku+You jump          as high as playable riku    So, if you wanted to have Normal Sora use Final Form's moves,  you replace "XX" with Sora's digits (01),  replace "YY" with the sky digits (01),  and replace "ZZ" with final form's moveset digits (05).    Your final product is:    200F9000 10400005  200F9004 944F004C  200F9008 24010001 [Note 1]  200F900C 142F0001 [Note 2]  200F9010 240F0005 [Note 3]  200F9014 A44F004E  200F9018 03E00008  201D14F4 0803E400

Music Modifier

 Normal music, scripted battles, bosses and the Gummi World Map    10354E9C 000000??    Normal battles    10354EAC 000000??    The ARMAX codes are converted so that the chosen song  will play for everything (Normal music, normal battles,   scripted battles, bosses and the Gummi World Map).      76- Lazy Afternoons    33A6-QH21-UW5X9  8XPE-E3HM-Q0R87  T5CU-WP1U-1HQZJ      77- Sinister Sundown    82RT-99M2-43AXU  5FXC-AYRV-XJEXU  U6U6-2ENT-WX722    52- The Escapade    7E4X-Q9W4-9BVAY  1NTM-K0DZ-QKUCA  DPHA-XAMM-Q38VD      32- Dive into the Heart Destati    CWR8-XKG8-UXWT5  1WXA-HJG7-499QZ  3U99-R8HY-ZQDBK    33- Fragments of Sorrow    6BDJ-K5VT-QM556  4AD7-ZN6X-RMGGD  UA69-P3GC-PQ88J    72- Tension Rising    9UVM-VDC0-KB3WW  4FQ5-NWQ2-TKCTW  84JF-964Y-6N51G    97- The XIII Struggle    33M1-G6N1-K3ZWD  54XE-B00U-0AWMU  HG3A-PAFJ-KX5DY      5B- Kairi    GW3A-ABQW-8GUTR  5BZ3-VUEA-ZYB2U  4V17-FAE1-NPZHC      63- Missing You    41FU-RA36-5UA1Z  AJHN-DQNT-2FXXK  GYP2-VNUD-UDDR1      92- Roxas    QJ45-313V-W00QK  DPP1-1WAM-UX7UG  RG5H-VK36-MFBM8    58- Sora    3Y4R-F8H3-V0UQW  PG7K-EQRD-JTZMR  DRK0-ZCG7-ER0NG      34- The Afternoon Streets (Sora's Twilight Town)    47ZN-C1ZN-T6M4Z  R9MW-T1QP-3NCDA  A3HY-NK38-GC988    35- Working Together (Sora's Twilight Town battle)    6AQR-NMM9-NHNTJ  4CKC-DVY5-Y8TVZ  2PQH-UJBB-NF1Z6      Mini-Game    QZEF-GB5V-RP2VQ  9AA5-4890-31PCQ  WW4U-9EMJ-Z1RYT      98- Reviving Hollow Bastion    5QQ2-V5B2-JN6HM  NQ75-2C96-7MPF1  UPAK-V6FT-874KV      99- Scherzo Di Notte (Hollow Bastion battle)    8VYE-FB8G-UPACP  Z91C-DM9K-RJ6X9  EYMK-Z26M-E3HTH      73- Desire For All That is Lost    PNGP-V6FV-X3PWF  BAWG-R17G-6DFW3  TW3D-DY10-T0DHE    74- The Home of Dragons    R5MC-EH3F-Z3A6Y  AUNA-VHMB-556GC  D8QP-WVYV-8JQHT      70- Fields of Honor (The Land of Dragons battle)    34XE-FPK6-NACDV  F7M7-069B-B1V51  MM82-4B4Q-VWHEB      6E- Apprehension    R7G3-WFZB-NWYJD  0M8E-EKTY-XT4HT  50JQ-F1A1-MCRWN      65- Waltz of the Diamond (Beast's Castle)    659W-A0K2-TVCAJ  UN1V-HQVB-2X1YJ  JMM1-B7R9-9XNNB      68- Dance of the Darling (Beast's Castle battle)    0YHM-6KM0-6M5UX  41M0-UU2B-F9Y6M  NFWG-EKCK-RB2C5      75- Rowdy Rumble    71ZY-11XE-ACHF0  C05J-PT10-GKMME  KT6H-D5PA-W768U      A3- Hesitation    HPFN-YRWX-W9DU0  7WEB-HY4P-2K9Y3  8ZGZ-F88Q-TWV8P      67- Olympus Coliseum    JU2Z-GMC1-3Q26R  M0UQ-3EFK-5Z2W6  01P7-AFAZ-5V13D      64- The Underworld    BDUM-AGBG-CQGWQ  K59P-XWUD-MEV59  QFJC-YJQX-KVYTF      66- What Lies Beneath (Underworld battle)    YEGY-5D8F-9D1RX  RR02-M8FY-928JQ  ZVV0-DVEH-ZJGF2      5D- Villians of a Sort    AA8F-Q075-PWRGG  J896-PAZT-66XAJ  AUKX-YNYW-BXZB1      79- Dance to the Death    TR9R-HE73-MK2QU  FUNX-BNN0-5MBG8  7JUQ-3MKT-N842A      71- Swim This Way    9AJE-GG0M-QFT47  KU8T-QTCN-20ZEG  A2B2-7KQN-0ZEHX      6C- Part of Your World    41RZ-6NFY-FUXB5  DHWE-YAUR-K0WWT  K5B1-YC6X-KM7NH      6B- Ursula's Revenge    TW50-R2NK-EXU76  BHU1-WACW-97298  ERVF-21JA-75R2B      6D- A New Day is Dawning    T5WW-8YAE-8BF2A  NNHV-2M79-JQ57E  X24P-EG20-0JVXY      38- Nights of the Cursed (Port Royal)    YPT1-B9P1-H1UZE  NA4V-U0ZD-YRHB3  0HTP-F9D5-TT01Q      39- He's a Pirate (Port Royal battle)    9QGR-BGGH-VRUF2  WRTZ-ZJVU-1D6K6  VCGH-8M03-EMW1T      7F- A Day in Agrabah    X6M0-2FB9-WTJ6M  TT6Y-E93H-E3ZG5  KWZ6-BKZK-RQDJF      80- Arabian Dream (Agrabah battle)    BJRQ-UUVN-15QG9  NG2A-MRR4-0A4H1  34TH-N0BX-BEHT2        55- Byte Bashing (Space Paranoids battle)    5J22-XZQD-W2AN8  AA43-GZ2D-H2PXW  QA79-FPAD-7JHX9      91- Showdown At Hollow Basion    X9TY-4M64-JCR3K  4KFG-R9YN-3MX69  377H-BFCA-UZ5R1      36- Sacred Moon (The World that Never Was)    78A9-CDVK-NCW3H  TXHE-F1E8-CPNRZ  K6R0-E2W7-Z2TA9      37- Deep Drive (The World that Never Was battle)    FQHP-UHK1-GMBUD  QU2Z-KTDD-NX7RT  MDZM-KUV6-ZU20B      59- Reunion    7KGG-WYZD-N4W4N  Y1RH-HBEC-AJYXG  K848-YENW-Q67E1      5A- Riku    YP9F-MQPX-QEQPJ  UU1Q-6KGH-CVBEG  9YD4-8FYN-B47UC      BC- One-Winged Angel (Sephiroth battle)    U8YF-K14Y-FUK2F  06TX-WXQA-YKDE1  7TX2-01EE-P7AB4    When you put two songs together that  don't make a transition (basically, anything  that's not normal music and that same  world's corresponding battle music. An  example would be "Lazy Afternoons" and  "Sinister Sundown," because they are the  normal music and battle music of Roxas'  Twilight Town), there will often be no music  playing, particularly when there is an  opportunity for normal battle. This is because  the game does not know how to make a   transition between these two songs when  switching from normal music to battle music.  The normal music will still play in scripted  battles, boss battles and the Gummi World  Map.

Universal Party Modifier (All-In-One)

40340C9C 00130001  NNDDWWMM 00000000    NN = Slot 4  DD = Slot 3  WW = Slot 2  MM = Slot 1 (Main slot Sora/Micky)    00 = Roxas(start of the game)/Sora(before and after he gets his new outfit)  01 = Donald  02 = Goofy  03 = Partner Character(world specific)/Riku(TWTNW)  04 = Valor Sora/ Valor Roxas( During Roxas' part only)  05 = Wisdom Form  06 = Master Form (Crash)  07 = Final Form (Crash)  08 = Anti Form  09 = Mickey  0A = Invisible  10 = Nothing (put this if u dont/can not have 4th character)

Reaction Command/Shortcut Modifier

  Reaction Command Modifier   E003FFFB 0035B55C 21C88DD4 00000000 21C88DD8 ????0000 21C88DDC 00010001   Shortcut Modifier (For L1 shortcut menu)    O  10340E60 0000????    /\  10340E62 0000????    []  10340E64 0000????    X  10340E66 0000????        ???? - Effect  0001 - Attack  0002 - Magic  0003 - Items  0004 - Drive  0005 - Revert  0006 - Valor Form  0007 - Wisdom Form  000A - Talk  000B - Master Form  000C - Final Form  000D - Anti-Form  000E - Examine  0014 - Hi-Potion  0015 - Ether  0016 - Elixir  0017 - Potion  0018 - Reversal  0019 - Full Swing  001A - Tackle  001B - Snag  001C - Sparkle Ray  001E - Examine  001F - Talk  0020 - Open  0021 - Ride the wind  0022 - Cyclone  0023 - Guard  0024 - Kickback  0025 - Full swing  0026 - Evade  0029 - Dog paddle  002A - Sora  002B - Donald  002C - goofy  0031 - Firaga  0032 - Thundaga  0033 - Blizzaga  0034 - Curaga  0035 - Push  0037 - Save  0038 - Mickey  0039 - Roxas  003A - Auron  003B - Ping  003C - Mulan  003F - Beast  0040 - Jack  0041 - Simba  0042 - Tron  0044 - Waken  0046 - Bump  0047 - Meteor Spike  0048 - Summon (Makes sora summon nothing XD)  004A - Twin howl  004B - Stalwart Fang  004C - Outcry  004D - Slide  004E - Vertigo Toss  004F - Let go  0050 - Hang on  0051 - Bushido  0052 - Limit  0053 - Banishing Blade  0054 - Shooting star  0055 - Spiral  0058 - Stich  0059 - Genie  005B - Connect  005C - Donald  005D - Goofy  005E - Auron  005F - Ping  0060 - Mulan  0062 - Jack  0063 - Beast  0064 - Jack  0065 - Simba  0066 - Tron  0069 - Bat cry  006A - Lance Tug  006F - Warp  0070 - Learn  0071 - Jump  0072 - Aladin  0073 - Aladin  0075 - Outcry  0076 - Stalwart Fang  0077 - Firega  0078 - Firega (Possible no sound?)  0079 - Blizzaga  007A - Blizzaga  007B - Thundaga  007C - Thundaga  007D - Curaga  007E - Curaga  0080 - Shooting Star  0081 - Banishing Blade  008B - Red Rocket  008C - Flametongue  008D - Heat Lance  008E - Red Meteor  008F - Wake up!  0091 - Depart  0092 - Get up!  0093 - Charge  0094 - Step Vault  0095 - Slingshot  0096 - Catch  0097 - Pendulum Round  0098 - Release  009A - Question  009B - Interrogate  009E - Examine the book  00AD - Release  00AE - Magnerga  00B1 - Reflega  00B4 - Riku  00BF - Ask for Help  00C0 - Approach  00C1 - Persuade  00C4 - Shop   00D5 - Synthasise *crash*  00D6 - Ask About Missions *crash*  00D7 - Report  00D8 - Hang on  00DA - Help Her up  00DF - Punish (Eh?! O_o)  00F1 - Go to the tournament  00F2 - Mega Potion (Crashes if you use to much XD)  00F3 - Mega-Ether (Unlimited supply)  00F4 - Megalixer  00F5 - Charge   00F7 - Approach  00F8 - Tinker With it  00F9 - Greet  00FB - Rescue  00Fc - Ask for the Bottle  00FD - Finish  00FF - Whirli-Goof  0100 - Whirli-Goofra  0101 - Whirli-Goofga  0102 - Examine  0104 - Translate  0105 - Move  0106 - Go to the Rescue  0107 - Translate  0108 - Access Computer  010A - Examine the wall  010C - Learn  010D - Speed Trap  010E - Press  010F - Takedown  0110 - Access Computer  0111 - Launch  0112 - Grab on  0113 - Hang on  0114 - Hit  0115 - Fore!  0116 - Move Center  0118 - Comet  0119 - Comet Rain  011A - Comet  011B - Whirli-Goof  011C - Access Computer  011D - Aero Blade  011E - Warp Snipe  011F - Warp Snipe  0120 - Buy Tickets  0121 - Touch the Light  0122 - Learn the rules  0123 - Approach  0124 - Examine the Table  0125 - Listen to the story  0126 - Approach  0127 - Touch the Beam  0128 - Enter Password  0129 - Key Counter  012A - Lunarsault  012B - Break Raid  012C - Rising Sun  012D - Duel Stance  012E - The end  012F - Fail-Safe  0130 - Scapegoat  0131 - Jump!  0132 - Peter Pan  0133 - Pinball  0134 - Air Twister  0135 - Quick Blade  0136 - Tornado Ride  0137 - Dodge Roll  0138 - Stop Dice  0139 - O  013A - Root Ravager  013B - Aura Guard  013C - Dismiss  013D - Open the Door  013E - Clear Shot  013F - '-' (Jump)  0140 - Big Ben (WTF?!)  0141 - Air twister  0142 - X  0143 - Begin Game  0144 - O  0145 - X  0146 - Release  0147 - Hop on  0148 - Shift Shot  0149 - Heal Stomp  014A - Get Off  014B - Wind dance  014D - High Climb  014E - Needle Dive  014F - Pegasus Run  0150 - Juggle Parry  0151 - Overhand  0152 - Knocksmash  0154 - Duo Raid  0155 - Cosmo Boost  0156 - Attack (Does nothing)  0157 - High CLimb  0158 - Duck Flare  0159 - Reversal  015A - Phil One-Two  015B - Rocket Flare  015C - Megaduck Flare  015F - Speedster  0160 - Quickplay  0162 - Trickster  0163 - Return Fire  0165 - Bluff  0166 - Slasher  0167 - JackKnife  0168 - Final Trap  0169 - Backshuffle  016A - Rockshatter  016B - Stomp Bomb  016C - Air Slash  016D - Shoot (Acts like a 3 Hit Combo Master)  016E - Leap  016F - Dispel  0170 - Rodeo  0171 - Grand Cross  0172 - Rapid Blow  0173 - Capture  0174 - Rapid Blow  0175 - Musical  0176 - Rockshatte  0178 - Wildcat  0179 - High Fang  017A - X-Claw  017B - Proud Roar  017C - Bolt Reversal  017D - Faith  017E - Report  017F - Apply for work  0180 - Listen To the Story  0181 - Investigate  0185 - Set the Jewel!  0186 - Go, Abu!  0187 - Call Over  0188 - Land  0189 - Reverse Blade  018A - Stop  018D - Wild Dance  018E - Spin  0195 - Dance Call  0196 - Synchronization  0197 - Downbeat  0198 - Finale  019F - Setup  01A0 - Cluster Code  01A1 - Burst Pulse  01A2 - Reprogram  01A4 - Urninator (Eh?!)  01AB - Rising Run  01AC - Forwad March!  01AD - Company Halt!  01AE - Settle Down  01AF - Cannon Bomb  01B0 - Reversal  01B1 - Swing  01B2 - Release  01B3 - Zone Guard  01B4 - Disk Strike  01B6 - Jump  01B7 - Jump on  01B8 - Delete  01B9 - Cancel  01BA - Clear Light  01BB - Replace  01BC - Burst Edge  01BD - Ghost Ride  01BE - Hinder  01BF - Chicken Little  01C0 - Post  01C3 - Deliver  01C4 - Pearl  01C5 - Synthesize  01C7 - D-Charge  01C8 - HEaling light  01C9 - D-Charge  01CD - Save  01CE - High Counter  01CF - Aura Sphere  01D0 - Charge  01D3 - Enter Tournament  01D4 - Never Land  01D5 - My shadow!  01D6 - The Flying Boy  01D7 - Tiny Fairy  01D8 - Wendy  01D9 - Anti-Sora  01DA - Believe!  01DB - Old Rival  01DC - Victory  01DD - The Clocktower  01DE - Present  01DF - Journey's End  01E0 - Full Swing  01E1 - Berserk  01E3 - Run Through  01E4 - Trinity  01E5 - Break  01E6 - Ultima  01E7 - Major Drive  01E8 - Begin Combo  01EA - Overtaker  01EB - Break  01EC - Warp Snipe  01ED - Berserk  01EE - Recovery Run  01EF - Leap  01F0 - Grab  01F1 - Rescue  01F2 - Grab  01F3 - Arm-in-Arm  01F4 - Piggyback  01F5 - About-Face  01F6 - Show Stealer  01F7 - Fend  01F8 - Wild Dance  01F9 - Firagun  01FA - Blizzagun  01FB - Jump On  01FC - Jump  01FD - Heelflip  01FE - Pop-Jump  01FF - Crash  0200 - 360*Spin  0201 - Method Grab  0202 - Air walk  0203 - Handstand  0207 - Ohana!  0208 - Leap  0209 - Stop  020A - Leap  020B - Grind  020C - Counter  020D - Shoot  020E - Ukulele  020F - Blast  0210 - Eclipse  0211 - FPS Mode  0212 - Balls  0213 - Firecracker  0214 - End  0215 - Full Swing  0216 - Jump  0217 - "Valor" Genie  0218 - "Wisdom" Genie  0219 - "Master" Genie  021A - "Final" Genie  021B - Ukelele  021C - Blast  021D - Beserk  021E - Sonic  021F - Rave  0220 - Strike  0221 - Judgement  0222 - Arcana  0223 - Bash  0224 - Infinity  0225 - Impact  0226 - Valor  0227 - Wisdom  0228 - Master   0229 - Final  022A - Elixer  022C - Pick It Up  022E - Take It  022F - Capture  0230 - Inside Combo  0231 - Facedown  0232 - Clash  0233 - Break Through  0234 - Finish  0235 - Bounce  0239 - Session  023A - Last Saber  023B - Dark Cannon  023C - XIII Blades  023D - Master Hearts  023E - All's End  023F - Call Over  0240 - Move Left  0241 - Move Right  0242 - Wee Tornado  0243 - Giant Tornado  0244 - Sonic Dive  0245 - Twin Counter  024A - Magna Storm  024E - X  024F - O  0256 - Begin Game  0254 - Approach  0255 - Warp Snipe  0256 - Warp Snip  0259 - Loot Launch  025A - Vault  025B - Kickspring  025C - Examine [Makes Sora turn right... o_O]  025D - Drive? [... That ? mark is there.]  0262 - Dark Aura  0263 - Dark Shield  0264 - Stunt Dodge  0265 - Hit  026C - Trinity  026D - Break  026E - Shop [Makes the HUD disappear and crashes the game]  026F - Jump on  0270 - Flip  0271 - Slicer  0272 - Escablade  0273 - Sky Scraper  0275 - Capsule Prize  0276 - Rare Capsule  0277 - Limited Capsule  0278 - Prime Capsule  027B - Reversal  027C - Sky Scraper  027F - Read the Book  0280 - Roll Up  0281 - Spin Burst  0282 - Talk [Crash]  0283 - Proceed  0284 - Fend  0285 - Riding Shot  0286 - Meteor Rain  0287 - Jump  0288 - Release  0289 - Learn  028A - Reflect  028C - Attack  028D - Dark Aura  028E - Rescue [Riku's RC from the Last Battle]  028F - Megalaser  0290 - Touch It  0292 - Eclipse  0293 - Magna Storm  0294 - Fend  0295 - Firagun  0296 - Blizzagun  0297 - Bolt Reversal  0298 - Block

Universal Room Modifier

Press R2 to activate:  E001FDFF 0035B55C  1033E830 0000YYXX    XX - World  ----------------------------------  01 - World of Darkness  02 - Twilight Town  03 - Destiny Islands  04 - Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion  05 - Beast's Castle  06 - Olympus Colisseum  07 - Agrabah  08 - Land of Dragons  09 - 100 Acre Wood  0A - Pride Lands  0B - Atlantica  0C - Disney Castle  0D - Timeless River  0E - Halloween Town  0F - World Map  10 - Port Royal  11 - Space Paranoids  12 - The World That Never Was  13 - Insta-Freeze    YY - Room Digits  ---------------------  World of Darkness  00 - Twilight Beach  01 - "Loop Demo"    Twilight Town  00 - The Empty Realm  01 - Roxas' Room  02 - The Usual Spot  03 - Back Alley  04 - Sandlot  05 - Sandlot during Struggle Tournament  06 - Market Street: Station Heights  07 - Market Street: Tram Common  08 - Station Plaza  09 - Central Station  0A - Sunset Terrace  0B - Sunset Station  0C - Sunset Hill  0D - The Woods  0E - The Old Mansion  0F - Mansion: Foyer  10 - Mansion: Dining Room  11 - Mansion: Library  12 - Mansion: The White Room  13 - Mansion: Basement Hall  14 - Mansion: Basement Hall (Axel's Ring of Fire)  15 - Mansion: Computer Room  16 - Mansion: Basement Corridor  17 - Mansion: Pod Room  18 - On the Train  19 - The Tower  1A - Tower: Entryway  1B - Tower: Sorcerers Loft  1C - Tower: Wardrobe  1D - Tower: Star Chamber  1E - Tower: Moon Chamber  1F - Tower: Wayward Stairs 1  20 - Station of Serenity  21 - Station of Calling  22 - Station of Awakening  23 - The Magical Train  24 - Tunnelway  25 - Underground Concourse  26 - Tower: Wayward Stairs 2  27 - Tower: Wayward Stairs (Final)  28 - Betwixt and Between  29 - The Old Mansion (Barriers Up)      Destiny Islands  00 - Door to Darkness   01 - The Main Road   02 - Main Island: Shore       Hollow Bastion  00 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)  01 - The Dark Depths (With Heartless Army)  02 - The Great Maw  03 - Crystal Fissure  04 - Castle Gate  05 - Ansems Study  06 - Castle Postern  07 - Restoration Site (Before Destruction)  08 - Bailey (Before Destruction)  09 - Borough  0A - Marketplace  0B - Castle Corridors  0C - Heartless Manufactory   0D - Merlin's House  0E - Castle Oblivion (Not 100% solid)  0F - Ansems Study before Xehanort took over (Not 100% solid)  10 - Ravine Trail  11 - The Great Maw (1000 Heartless Fight)  12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction)  13 - Bailey (After Destruction)  14 - Castle Corridors during Nobody and Heartless fight (Sealed)       Beast's Castle  00 - Entrance Hall  01 - Parlour  02 - Belle's Room  03 - Beast's Room  04 - Ballroom  05 - Ballroom (First Boss Area, Text Misplaced?)  06 - Courtyard  07 - The East Wing  08 - The West Hall  09 - The West Wing  0A - Dungeon  0B - Undercroft  0C - Secret Passage  0D - Bridge  0E - Ballroom (Jap. Text?, Where Beast and Belle Dance?)  0F - Bridge (For Xaldins Fight?)      Olympus Colisseum  01 - Collesem gates (Cant get to the lobby for some reason, Undestroyed)  02 - Collesem gates (destroyed)   03 - Underworld entrance (Triggerd a cutscene for me )  04 - Collesium foyer  05 - Valley of the dead  06 - Hades chamber  07 - Cave of the dead: Entrance  08 - Where you fight pete.   09 - The underdrome  0A - Cave of the dead: Inner chamber  0B - Underworld cavern: enterance  0C - The lock (With the meg engraving thing, reaction command to remove           lock dosent do anything)  0D - The underdrome (cutscene verstion, can go into the soul pit place.)  0E - Collesem gates (destroyed, night)  0F - Cave of the dead: Passage  10 - Underworld caverns: The lost road  11 - Underworld caverns: Atrium  12 - Collesium gates (Where you fight the multiheaded thing)  13 - Underdrome (small, for tornament fights)      Agrabah  00 - Agrabah  01 - Bazaar  02 - The Peddler's Shop [From first visit?]  03 - The Palace   04 - Vault   05 - Above Agrabah   06 - Palace Walls   07 - The Cave of Wonders Entrance   09 - The Cave of Wonders Stone ...   0A - The Cave of Wonders Treasure Room  0B - Ruined Chamber  0C - The Cave of Wonders Valley of Stone  0D - The Cave of Wonders Chasm of Challenges  0E - Mini Game? "Head Towards Jafars Shadow!", Jafar's Invincible.  0F - The Peddler's Shop [From second visit?]      The Land of Dragons  00 - Bamboo Grove  01 - Encampment  02 - Checkpoint  03 - Mountain Trail  04 - Village  05 - Village Cave  06 - Ridge  07 - Summit  08 - Imperial Square  09 - Palace Gate  0A - Antechamber  0B - Throne Room  0C - Village (Destroyed)    100 Acre Wood  00 - 100 Acre Wood World Selection?   01 - The Big Tree [Forgot what it's called]  02 - Pooh Bear's House  03 - Rabbit's House  04 - Piglette's House  05 - Kanga's House  06 - The Day of a Wind? (Possible Mini Game Area?, Messed up Text, Blue Screen)   07 - Eye the collection of Honey (Jap. Text, Possible Misspelling and Mini Game Area)   08 - Flower Fence Valley (Possible Mini Game Area?, Jap. Text)   09 - The Spookey Cave      Pride lands  00 - Pride rock  02 - Kings den  03 - Long gourge place.   04 - The savana   05 - Elafant graveyard  06 - Gorge  07 - Wastelands  08 - Jungle   09 - Oasis  0A - Pride rock (restored)  0B - Oasis (Night)  0C - Overlook  0D - Peak  0E - Scar's darkness  0F - (Looks like Savana, cept it didn't have a proper title         and I couldent leave the area)   10 - (Where Mufasa died)    Atlantica  01 - Treasure Room   02 - Undersea Courtyard   03 - Submarine Open Space (Jap. Text?, Same as 02, Recolored)   05 - Sunken Ship   06 - Wrath of the Sea (Daytime)   07 - Seashore (Same as above, Nighttime, Jap. Text?)   08 - Seashore (Same as above and 06, Evening)   09 - Wrath of the Sea (Area when you are singing with Ursula)   0A - D (Wedding Ship?)      Disney Castle  00 - Audience Chamber  01 - Library  02 - Colonnade  03 - Courtyard  04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns)  05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone  06 - Gummi Hanger      Timeless River  00 - Cornerstone Hill   01 - Pier  02 - Waterway   03 - Wharf   04 - Lilliput   05 - Building Site   06 - Scene of the Fire   07 - Mickey's House   08 - Villians Vale (Black & White)      Halloween Town  00- Town Square  01 - Dr. Finkelstein's Lab  02 - Graveyard  03 - Curly Hill  04 - Hinterlands  05 - Yuletide Hill  06 - Candy Cane Lane  07 - Christmas Tree Plaza  08 - Santa's House  09 - Toy Factory: Shipping and Receiving  0A - Toy Factory: The Wrapping Room      World Map  00 - World Map    Port Royal  00 - Rampart  01 - Harbor  02 - Town  03 - Interceptor (Can't go below)   04 - Interceptor: Ships Hold  05 - Black Pearl (Interceptor next to pearl)  06 - Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom  07 - Intercepter (No Exit at all)  08 - Isla De Muerta: Rock Face (w/ Interceptor)  09 - Isla De Muerta: Cave Mouth (Can't go to the Ship)  0A - Isla De Muerta: Treasure Heap  0B - Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold  0C - Isla De Muerta: Powder Store  0D - Isla De Muerta: Moonlight Nook  0E - Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep  0F - Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Row  10 - Isla De Muerta: Rock Face (w/ Black Pearl)  11 - Isla De Muerta: Treasure Heap (No Exit)  12 - Black Pearl (Start on the lower part of the deck)  13 - Black Pearl (Start next to the stearing wheel)  15 - Interceptor (Can't go below)  16 - Interceptor (Can't go below and you start next to the wheel)  17 - Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom (No Exit)  18 - Harbor (No Exits)  19 - Isla De Muerta: Rock Face (No Exits)      Space Paranoids  00 - Pit Cell  01 - The Canyon  02 - Game Grid  03 - Data Space  04 - I/O Tower  05 - I/O Tower: Communications Tower  06 - Simulation Hanger  07 - Solar Sailor Simulation  08 - Central Computer  09 - Central Computer Core  0A - Solar Sailor Simulation      The World That Never Was  00 - Where Nothing Gathers  01 - Alley to Between  02 - Fragment Crossing  03 - Memorys Skyscraper  04 - The Brink of Despair  05 - The Soundless Prison  06 - Nothings Call  07 - Lower Crooked Ascention  08 - Upper Crooked Ascention  09 - Naught's View  0A - Lower Hall of Empty Melodies  0B - Upper Hall of Empty Melodies  0C - Naughts Skyway  0D - Proof of Existence  0E - Havocs Divide  0F - Where Nothing Gathers  10 - Naughts Approach  11 - Ruin and Creations Passage  12 - The Altar of Naught  13 - Memory's Contortion  14 - The World of Nothing  15 - Station of Serenity (Where you fight Roxas)  16 - Station of Awakening (Where you fight Xemnas' Dragon)  17 - In the middle of the fight with Chair Xemnas 2 (Freezes within 5 seconds)  18 - Chair Xemnas 1's Throne  19 - At the Dragon's Core (Freezes when barrier comes up)  1A - Dragon's Laser Barrels as they are exploding (Second RC freezes game)  1B - Path to Xemnas' Dragon that had rising/falling buildings  1C - Second half of 1B, cannot go back  1D - The Altar of Naught (No Kingdom Hearts) (Blocked Exit)

Status Modifier

The following Enable Code must be used in conjunction with the Status Modifier in order for it to work. Replace the "X" and "Y" values with the same digits you used for the Status Modifier. This Enable Code is not a replacement for the Mastercode posted at the top of the page, they both must be active.   Enable Code   200F9014 240100XX 200F9018 502F0001 200F901C 240F00YY     Status Modifier   200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 240100XX 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F00YY 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400   Replace the "X" and "Y" values using the digits below. The "X" values determine which character you will be modding, while the "Y" values determine whose status/items/equipment/etc. character "X" will recieve.   Digits 01 - Sora 02 - Donald 03 - Goofy 04 - Mickey 05 - Auron 06 - Mulan 07 - Aladdin 08 - Jack Skellington 09 - Beast 0A - Jack Sparrow 0B - Simba 0D - Riku 0E - Roxas 0F - Ping

Universal Weapon Modifier

 The following Universal Weapon Modifiers determine which  which weapon is going to be replaced.    Sora/Roxas  
 Normal Worlds  Kingdom Key  11CEF10C 0000????    Oathkeeper   11CEF110 0000????    Oblivion  11CEF114 0000????    Starseeker  11CEF118 0000????    Hidden Dragon  11CEF11C 0000????    Hero's Crest  11CEF120 0000????    Monochrome  11CEF124 0000????    Follow the Wind  11CEF128 0000????    Circle of Life  11CEF12C 0000????    Photon Debugger  11CEF130 0000????    Gullwing  11CEF134 0000????    Rumbling Rose  11CEF138 0000????    Guardian Soul  11CEF13C 0000????    Wishing Lamp  11CEF140 0000????    Decisive Pumpkin  11CEF144 0000????    Sleeping Lion  11CEF148 0000????    Sweet Memories  11CEF14C 0000????    Mysterious Abyss  11CEF150 0000????    Fatal Crest  11CEF154 0000????    Bond of Flame  11CEF158 0000????    Fenrir  11CEF15C 0000????    Ultima Weapon  11CEF160 0000????    Struggle Battle Weapon  11CEF180 0000????    Struggle Bat A  11CEF184 0000????    Struggle Bat B  11CEF188 0000????    Detection Saber  11CEF1D0 0000????    Edge of Ultima  11CEF1D4 0000????      Halloween Town    Starseeker  11CEF2A8 0000????    Hidden Dragon  11CEF2AC 0000????    Hero's Crest  11CEF2B0 0000????    Monochrome  11CEF2B4 0000????    Follow the Wind  11CEF2B8 0000????    Circle of Life  11CEF2BC 0000????    Photon Debugger  11CEF2C0 0000????    Gullwing  11CEF2C4 0000????    Rumbling Rose  11CEF2C8 0000????    Guardian Soul  11CEF2CC 0000????    Wishing Lamp  11CEF2D0 0000????    Decisive Pumpkin  11CEF2D4 0000????    Sleeping Lion  11CEF2D8 0000????    Sweet Memories  11CEF2DC 0000????    Mysterious Abyss  11CEF2E0 0000????    Fatal Crest  11CEF2E4 0000????    Bond of Flame  11CEF2E8 0000????    Fenrir  11CEF2EC 0000????    Ultima Weapon  11CEF2F0 0000????    Struggle Battle Weapon  11CEF310 0000????    Struggle Bat A  11CEF314 0000????    Struggle Bat B  11CEF318 0000????    Detection Saber  11CEF360 0000????    Edge of Ultima  11CEF364 0000????      Space Paranoids    Kingdom Key  11CEF7C0 0000????    Oathkeeper   11CEF7C4 0000????    Oblivion  11CEF7C8 0000????    Starseeker  11CEF7CC 0000????    Hidden Dragon  11CEF7D0 0000????    Hero's Crest  11CEF7D4 0000????    Monochrome  11CEF7D8 0000????    Follow the Wind  11CEF7DC 0000????    Circle of Life  11CEF7E0 0000????    Photon Debugger  11CEF7E4 0000????    Gullwing  11CEF7E8 0000????    Rumbling Rose  11CEF7EC 0000????    Guardian Soul  11CEF7F0 0000????    Wishing Lamp  11CEF7F4 0000????    Decisive Pumpkin  11CEF7F8 0000????    Sleeping Lion  11CEF7FC 0000????    Sweet Memories  11CEF800 0000????    Mysterious Abyss  11CEF804 0000????    Fatal Crest  11CEF808 0000????    Bond of Flame  11CEF80C 0000????    Fenrir  11CEF810 0000????    Ultima Weapon  11CEF814 0000????    Struggle Battle Weapon  11CEF834 0000????    Struggle Bat A  11CEF838 0000????    Struggle Bat B  11CEF83C 0000????    Detection Saber  11CEF884 0000????    Edge of Ultima  11CEF888 0000????      Timeless River    Oathkeeper   11CEF954 0000????    Oblivion  11CEF958 0000????    Starseeker  11CEF95C 0000????    Hidden Dragon  11CEF960 0000????    Hero's Crest  11CEF964 0000????    Monochrome  11CEF968 0000????    Follow the Wind  11CEF96C 0000????    Circle of Life  11CEF970 0000????    Photon Debugger  11CEF974 0000????    Gullwing  11CEF978 0000????    Rumbling Rose  11CEF97C 0000????    Guardian Soul  11CEF980 0000????    Wishing Lamp  11CEF984 0000????    Decisive Pumpkin  11CEF988 0000????    Sleeping Lion  11CEF98C 0000????    Sweet Memories  11CEF990 0000????    Mysterious Abyss  11CEF994 0000????    Fatal Crest  11CEF998 0000????    Bond of Flame  11CEF99C 0000????    Fenrir  11CEF9A0 0000????    Ultima Weapon  11CEF9A4 0000????    Struggle Battle Weapon  11CEF9C4 0000????    Struggle Bat A  11CEF9C8 0000????    Struggle Bat B  11CEF9CC 0000????    Detection Saber  11CEFA14 0000????    Edge of Ultima  11CEFA18 0000????
 Normal Worlds    Mage's Staff  11CEF42C 0000????    Save the Queen +  11CEF458 0000????      Halloween Town    Hammer Staff  11CEF4FC 0000????    Save the Queen +  11CEF524 0000????      Space Paranoids    Mage's Staff  11CEFAE0 0000????    Save the Queen +  11CEFB0C 0000????      Timeless River    Hammer Staff  11CEFBB0 0000????    Save the Queen +  11CEFBD8 0000????
 Normal Worlds    Knight's Shield  11CEF5C4 0000????    Struggle Battle Weapon  11CEF5F0 0000????      Halloween Town    Adamant Shield  11CEF698 0000????    Save the King +  11CEF6C0 0000????      Space Paranoids    Adamant Shield  11CEFC7C 0000????    Save the King +  11CEFCA4 0000????      Timeless River    Adamant Shield  11CEFD4C 0000????    Save the King +  11CEFD74 0000????
 Darkside Kingdom Key  11CEF788 0000????
 Way to the Dawn  11CEF7B0 0000????
 Scimitar  11CEF764 0000????
 Auron    Battlefields of War  11CEF76C 0000????
 Mulan    Sword of the Ancestors  11CEF774 0000????     Mushu  11CEF778 0000????
 Tron    Energy Disk  11CEF780 0000????
 Jack Sparrow    Skill and Crossbones  11CEF7A8 0000????
Certain people are purposefully missing from this list. Examples are Beast, Jack and people who's weapons you cannot see. Modding their weapons results in a freeze. =(

Universal Weapon Digits

   These digits are to be used in conjunction  with the Univeresal Weapon Modifier above.  Replace the ???? in the Universal Weapon  Modifier with the following digits to wield  that corresponding digit set's weapon.    Sora    0069 - Oblivion  023D - Kingdom Key  023E - Oathkeeper  0317 - Way to Dawn (Object)  06F3 - Kingdom Key (Space Paranoids)  0769 - Starseeker  076A - Hidden Dragon  076B - Hero's Crest  076C - Monochrome  076E - Follow The Wind  076F - Photon Debugger  0770 - Gullwing  0771 - Rumbling Rose  0772 - Guardian Soul  0773 - Wishes Lamp  0774 - Decisive Pumpkin  0775 - Sleeping Lion  0776 - Sweet Memories  0777 - Mysterious Abyss  0778 - Fatal Crest  0779 - Bond Of Flame  077A - Fenrir  077B - Ultima Weapon  077C - Struggle Bat A  077D - Struggle Bat B   077E - Starseeker (Halloween Town)  077F - Hidden Dragon (Halloween Town)  0780 - Hero's Crest (Halloween Town)  0781 - Monochrome (Halloween Town)  0783 - Follow The Wind (Halloween Town)  0784 - Photon Debugger (Halloween Town)  0785 - Gullwing (Halloween Town)  0786 - Rambling Rose (Halloween Town)  0787 - Guardian Soul (Halloween Town)  0788 - Wishes Lamp (Halloween Town)  0789 - Decisive Pumpkin (Halloween Town)  078A - Sleeping Lion (Halloween Town)  078B - Sweet Memories (Halloween Town)  078C - Mysterious Abyss (Halloween Town)  078D - Fatal Crest (Halloween Town)  078E - Bond Of Flame (Halloween Town)  078F - Fenrir (Halloween Town)  0790 - Ultima Weapon (Halloween Town)  0791 - Oathkeeper (Space Paranoids)  0792 - Oblivion (Space Paranoids)  0793 - Starseeker (Space Paranoids)  0794 - Hidden Dragon (Space Paranoids)  0795 - Hero's Crest (Space Paranoids)  0796 - Monochrome (Space Paranoids)  0798 - Follow The Wind (Space Paranoids)  0799 - Photon Debugger (Space Paranoids)  079A - Gullwing (Space Paranoids)  079B - Rumbling Rose (Space Paranoids)  079C - Guardian Soul (Space Paranoids)  079D - Wishes Lamp (Space Paranoids)  079E - DecisivePumpkin (Space Paranoids)  079F - Sleeping Lion (Space Paranoids)  07A0 - Sweet Memories (Space Paranoids)  07A1 - Mysterious Abyss (Space Paranoids)  07A2 - Fatal Crest (Space Paranoids)  07A3 - Bond Of Flame (Space Paranoids)  07A4 - Fenrir (Space Paranoids)  07A5 - Ultima Weapon (Space Paranoids)  07A6 - Oathkeeper (Timeless River)  07A7 - Oblivion (Timeless River)  07A8 - Starseeker (Timeless River)  07A9 - Hidden Dragon (Timeless River)  07AA - Hero's Crest (Timeless River)  07AB - Monochrome (Timeless River)  07AD - Follow The Wind (Timeless River)  07AE - Photon Debugger (Timeless River)  07AF - Gullwing (Timeless River)  07B0 - Rumbling Rose (Timeless River)  07B1 - Guardian Soul (Timeless River)  07B2 - Wishes Lamp (Timeless River)  07B3 - Decisive Pumpkin (Timeless River)  07B4 - Sleeping Lion (Timeless River)  07B5 - Sweet Memories (Timeless River)  07B6 - Mysterious Abyss (Timeless River)  07B7 - Fatal Crest (Timeless River)  07B8 - Bond Of Flame (Timeless River)  07B9 - Fenrir (Timeless River)  07BA - Ultima Weapon (Timeless River) 0843 - Xigbar's Gun Arrow  0845 - Xaldin's Lances 08BD - Kairi's Keyblade    Donald    06F4 - Mage's Staff (Space Paranoids)  06F5 - Knight's Shield (Space Paranoids)  023F - Mage's Staff  07BB - Save The Queen  07BC - Save The Queen (Halloween Town)  07BD - Hammer Staff (Space Paranoids)  07BE - Victory Bell (Space Paranoids)  07BF - Meteor Staff (Space Paranoids)  07C0 - Comet Staff (Space Paranoids)  07C1 - Lord's Broom (Space Paranoids)  07C2 - Wisdom Wand (Space Paranoids)  07C3 - Hidden Dragon (Space Paranoids)  07C4 - Nobody Lance (Space Paranoids)  07C5 - Shaman's Relic (Space Paranoids)  07C6 - Save The Queen (Space Paranoids)  07C7 - Hammer Staff (Timeless River)  07C8 - Victory Bell (Timeless River)  07C9 - Meteor Staff (Timeless River)  07CA - Comet Staff (Timeless River)  07CB - Lord's Broom (Timeless River)  07CC - Wisdom Wand (Timeless River)  07CD - Rising Dragon (Timeless River)  07CE - Nobody Lance (Timeless River)  07CF - Shaman's Relic (Timeless River)  07D0 - Save The Queen (Timeless River)    Goofy    055E - Adamant Shield  055F - Adamant Shield (Halloween Town)  0562 - Ogre Shield  0563 - Ogre Shield (Halloween Town)  0566 - Dreamcloud  0567 - Dreamcloud (Halloween Town)  0568 - Knight Defender  0569 - Knight Defender (Halloween Town)  056A - Genji Shield  056B - Genji Shield (Halloween Town)  056C - Akashic Record  056D - Akashic Record (Halloween Town)  056E - Nobody Guard  056F - Nobody Guard (Halloween Town)  0240 - Knight's Shield  07D1 - Save The King  07D2 - Save The King (Halloween Town)  07D3 - Adamant Shield (Space Paranoids)  07D5 - Ogre Shield (Space Paranoids)  07D7 - Dreamcloud (Space Paranoids)  07D8 - Knight Defender (Space Paranoids)  07D9 - Genji Shield (Space Paranoids)  07DA - Akashic Record (Space Paranoids)  07DB - Nobody Guard (Space Paranoids)  07DC - Save The King (Space Paranoids)  07DD - Adamant Shield (Timeless River)  07DF - Ogre Shield (Timeless River)  07E1 - Dreamcloud (Timeless River)  07E2 - Knight Defender (Timeless River)  07E3 - Genji Shield (Timeless River)  07E4 - Akashic Record (Timeless River)  07E5 - Nobody Guard (Timeless River)  07E6 - Save The King (Timeless River)    The following digits are very glitchy and  may freak you out.....seriously. For best  results, take a few steps forward when  game loads or when walking into a new  area before attacking. Once you take  another step after the "weapon" is out,  it will start to stretch and get really glitchy.  The game seems to freeze after a certain  number of steps. The "weapon" does not do  any damage. So basically, the digits  are useless other than for laughs.    0087 - Genie  (T-Stance) (Dummy)   0088 - Aladdin (T-Stance) (Dummy)   008A - Jafar (T-Stance) (Dummy)    00CA - Mickey (with Coat) (T-Stance)  (Dummy)  00CB - Pete (T-Stance) (Dummy)  00CC - Hercules (T-Stance) (Dummy)   00CD - Megara (T-Stance) (Dummy)   00CE - Auron (T-Stance) (Dummy)   00CF - Hades (T-Stance) (Dummy)  00D1 - Belle (T-Stance) (Dummy)  00D2 - Big Genie (T-Stance) (Dummy)  00D3 - Jasmine (T-Stance) (Dummy)  00D4 - Li Shang (T-Stance) (Dummy)  00D5 - Mulan (T-Stance) (Dummy)  00D6 - Ping (T-Stance) (Dummy)  00D7 - Mushu (T-Stance) (Dummy)  00D9 - Jack Sparrow (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0108 - Sora (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0109 - Sora (T-Stance) (Halloween Town) (Dummy)  010A - Axel (T-Stance) (Dummy)  011E - Emperor of China (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0121 - Mushu (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01AE - Marluxia (T-Stance)   01AF - Larxene (T-Stance)  01B0 - Lexaeus (T-Stance)  01B1 - Zexion (T-Stance)  01B2 - Vexen (T-Stance)  01B3 - "Rainbow Naminé" (T-Stance)  01B4 - Marluxia (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01B5 - Lexaeus (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01B6 - Vexen (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01B7 - Naminé (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01B8 - Riku (KHI, Org. Outfit) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01B9 - Riku (KHI) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01BA - Kairi (KHI) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01BB - Squall / Leon (KHI) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01BC - Yuffie (KHI) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01BD - Aerith (KHI) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01BE - Cid (KHI) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01BF - Tidus (KHI) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01C0 - Selphi (KHI) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  01C1 - Wakka (KHI) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0287 - Winnie the Pooh (T-Stance) (Dummy)  028F - Olette (T-Stance) (Dummy)  02AF - Ariel (Human, blue Dress) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  02BA - Naminé (T-Stance) (Dummy)  02C3 - Roxas (T-Stance) (Dummy)  02C7 - Kairi (School Uniform) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  02C8 - Oogie Boogie (T-Stance) (Dummy)  02CF - Hayner (T-Stance) (Dummy)  02D0 - Pence (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0344 - Demyx (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0362 - Elizabeth Swann (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0385 - Sark (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0387 - Ursula (large) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  038C - Ursula (T-Stance) (Dummy)  039F - Tron (T-Stance) (Dummy)  03F0 - Jack Skellington (T-Stance) (Dummy)  03F1 - Xaldin (with Spears) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  043E - Will Turner (T-Stance) (Dummy)  049F - King Triton (T-Stance) (Dummy)  04BA - Eric (T-Stance) (Dummy)  04C2 - Ariel (T-Stance) (Dummy)  04C3 - Ariel (rag clothes) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  04CE - Roxas (Org. Outfit) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  04EF - Jiminy (T-Stance) (Dummy)  04F0 - Vanessa (Ursula's Disguise) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  04F1 - Huey (T-Stance) (Dummy)  054D - Shan-Yu (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0553 - Sora (Atlantica) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  055B - Goofy (Atlantica) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0595 - Donald (Space Paranoids) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  05C2 - Giant Rock Titan (T-Stance) (Dummy)  05FC - Barbossa (undead) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0611 - Luxord (T-Stance) (Dummy)  061F - Minnie (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0673 - Xigbar (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0675 - Raijin (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0676 - Fujin (T-Stance) (Dummy)  068D - Squall / Leon (T-Stance) (Dummy)  068E - Cloud (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0690 - Seifer (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0695 - Sora (Space Paranoids) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0696 - Sora (Valor-Form) (Space Paranoids) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0697 - Sora ( Wisdom Form) (Space Paranoids) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0698 - Sora ( Master-Form) (Space Paranoids) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  069A - Sora (Final-Form) (Space Paranoids) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  06A2 - Tigger (T-Stance) (Dummy)  06A3 - Roo (T-Stance) (Dummy)  06AE - "Man with Coat" (T-Stance) (Dummy)  06B2 - Yen Sid (T-Stance) (Dummy)  06C6 - Ansem the Wise (T-Stance) (Dummy)  06C7 - Selphie (T-Stance) (Dummy)  06CB - Xemnas (T-Stance) (Dummy)  06CF - Saïx (T-Stance) (Dummy)  06DD - Sora (KHI Costume) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0715 - Sora (Halloween Town) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0716 - Sora (Valor-Form) (Halloween Town) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0717 - Sora (Wisdom Form) (Halloween Town) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0718 - Sora (Master-Form) (Halloween Town)(T-Stance) (Dummy)  0719 - Sora (Final-Form) (Halloween Town) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  071A - Roxas (Org. Outfit) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  073A - Riku (Blinded) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  075D - Mickey (without Coat) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  082E - Riku (Org. Outfit) + Oblivion Keyblade (T-Stance) (Dummy)  084A - Kairi (T-Stance) (Dummy)  086F - Xehanort (white Gown) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0871 - Hercules (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0901 - Maleficient (Halloween Town Version) (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0904 - Naminé (T-Stance) (Dummy)  0918 - Xemnas (Final) (T-Stance) (Dummy)

Gummi Ship

 Invincibility    XRT3-XFG3-TND1A  AG76-5HJR-RR4TY  RHR7-G9Z0-66XK5    21F23394 00000000    Quick Medal Gain    06A0-FR1Y-D11F6  AG76-5HJR-RR4TY  X22B-N7RB-NK7HT    21F4C83C 25AD0005    Medals Never Decrease    MC27-ZCBK-XGCP8  AG76-5HJR-RR4TY  KT7N-VXT4-NX6BY    21F4C70C 00000000    Mushroom    M1QU-CRBB-YBJUA  QFZE-XJAN-4VPA4    00349C94 00000001    Highwind    73DW-Q0X6-7MA1W  XWCJ-8YMJ-8PVZT    00349C95 00000001    PuPu    DAZ9-HB3W-BHJ73  8UF3-36JW-HQWCQ    00349C96 00000001    Tonberry    FBQ5-Y1G0-U3UDQ  H190-YA54-5K4VA    00349C97 00000001    Moogle    VQ26-M1P4-DXG2K  7F10-ZDCY-UMNB8    00349C98 00000001    Mandragora    U761-6136-96D46  H7DV-EGY7-NDFK3    00349C99 00000001    Chocobo    BM6E-BAW8-W6NH2  URBJ-VZBB-QRWKE    00349C9A 00000001    Cactuar    Q87T-VTJV-CTTFC  E26W-HANE-EFP0D    00349C9B 00000001    Cait Sith    Z76K-H367-8793M  ARTF-04BZ-TA5PF    00349C9C 00000001    Fenrir    XEWU-NAP6-0RU4U  E2U0-K04Z-056H3    00349C9D 00000001    Kingdom Model    J6BA-VHV3-50NAR  QGMX-65B6-TEPZ6    00349C9E 00000001    Secret Model     AP4G-EZP1-B991K  QMMF-ED5A-8BEXW    00349C9F 00000001    Highwind Peak    H34D-VT2P-TYRQ5  30ZR-AKQ4-AHPYM    00349CBB 00000001    Falcon Lv.1    TRDT-U5AH-646KH  1G7F-K8CY-FD4A1    00349CBC 00000001    Falcon Lv.2    0TMF-9XJE-NVZZ2  FJ08-WYQ1-UBN03    00349CBD 00000001    Falcon Lv.3    YWQZ-VEXX-QMYKF  UZW2-A4E1-3QWK1    00349CBE 00000001    Falcon Lv.4    Z2CA-M8D1-ZDFRN  VQDC-E3J6-GYJUQ    00349CBF 00000001    Falcon Lv.5    GAUW-HQ6U-02GP2  HM6G-1Z91-PQQU9    00349CC0 00000001    Falcon Lv.6    PXXX-9EPE-8NVBG  8611-H2XN-Z5H12    00349CC1 00000001    Falcon Lv.7    KXN6-0G4Y-3Q5JX  V6XF-D8FY-CER8Y    00349CC2 00000001    Falcon Lv.8    HT3V-X26J-V7J8Q  3PC2-K6B3-QYAKU    00349CC3 00000001    Falcon Peak    HQCU-VQGX-26PKP  CDBX-3EA5-UVVAH    00349CC4 00000001    Invincible Lv.1    5Y1Q-XDAN-BC7JE  TTWE-31E0-W8HM5    00349CC6 00000001    Invincible Lv.2    G1AE-08JN-90JUF  92UP-JZKB-CRZZM    00349CC7 00000001    Invincible Lv.3    TD7Z-BVXP-P8VZU  Y08M-KU40-2C5DA    00349CC8 00000001    Invincible Lv.4    C1BG-RTKG-QCBHU  NWJR-9FZ3-68XCH    00349CC9 00000001    Invincible Lv.5    NV0D-55QD-GW439  5C35-8QQR-P2WZ2    00349CCA 00000001    Invincible Lv.6    9QGA-4DEB-E5JM0  XKX6-6GE7-HDFB9    00349CCB 00000001    Invincible Lv.7    7NYA-YGC2-NGUWC  B4YW-2D5P-Q5PU5    00349CCC 00000001    Invincible Lv.8    R5X1-BZPN-GZZXF  MATP-QFFC-HP0DJ    00349CCD 00000001    Invincible Peak    1G0H-Z321-4XPVN  GPCT-XV6R-VH1KT    00349CCE 00000001


Sight-Seeing Mode   55WZ-EKVP-06NDW 89UH-AV7V-M6APX 9AW3-93U1-00KB1 YPUC-799V-QWG8A RMMY-HZM5-R3V32 UA6X-4KV7-XCJE2 0GAK-PUP6-4PKKU   21CC5930 58455F4E 21CC5934 00303238 11CFA3FC 000003BE 2037AE7C FFFFFFFF 20378D2C 00000000 2037AE48 00000000     Levitation (Press R2)   6T68-22EW-Z0WGW JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT HCZE-8N74-3XNKM   D035B55C 0000FDFF 2037A514 BF000000      Full Party    C0QG-X412-TCU5C  RB4C-2QBQ-BUAU8  TRYP-XTHZ-ATG4N    40340C9C 00130001  03020100 00000000      Press R2 to Ride Light Cycle    E004FDFF 0035B55C  11C95618 000005F5  11C9561A 00000654  40340C9C 00130001   10100200 00000000    A3B2-5TFW-XY1XE  BW5G-Y4T9-ZM1VG  PQKU-76AY-0B6N5  B47U-WMER-FC27V  RB4C-2QBQ-BUAU8  B18B-9ZEH-G1Y1T  03AH-5PBC-9K2T7      Journal 100% Complete    VTJT-Q3ZM-KGJUQ  XV95-WEB6-AATP8  3T27-20DC-JXYZR    4033FDB0 00040001  FFFFFFFF 00000000      Open All Worlds (Glitchy, cannot complete the game)    KKM0-RPRD-D4J2N  W8K2-VB2F-3UH7F  YHBV-B4DW-ZR68G  WAT1-A37E-P02KX  HPZ1-EGJ5-U5FWT  BHZ6-76XW-0RUKX  9Y7H-9VDG-W3W5G    202C66D0 0803FFCF  200FFF3C 3C0E0102  200FFF40 35CE0102  200FFF44 ACAE0000  200FFF48 00A0882D  200FFF4C 080B19B5      Sora will NOT talk in battle    XK38-JPB3-RZ7KP  EP8E-Y2W2-YW46B    2037B888 61786F72      Roxas will NOT talk in battle    QNQ1-GX2N-DCMAH  KCBC-DDMB-88WUU  551A-WNC6-A8D3Z    2037B8F0 626D6973  2037B8F4 00000061      Donald will NOT talk in battle    7W18-RXH5-AZZZB  KA5J-14H0-YKYAC  EQUR-2RBF-C9HGP    2037B890 626D6973  2037B894 00000061      Goofy will NOT talk in battle    X91M-TGN5-D6MD5  6DY9-28C2-88FQ9  RAHE-GX2M-3WG9B    2037B898 626D6973  2037B89C 00000061      Mickey will NOT talk in battle    GQY2-QJWH-3C74B  NFGV-QDG1-TVZH7  BBA7-VVUU-MTJX0    2037B8A0 626D6973  2037B8A4 00000061      Auron will NOT talk in battle    QEY1-2EM4-FEAZG  GQTG-11NB-D3E1Q  H5R6-3054-Q2T8V    2037B8A8 626D6973  2037B8AC 00000061      Mulan will NOT talk in battle    RG53-DJX0-WEW85  6PCQ-VEVC-GJYEH  GM4D-NJDR-A8U3W    2037B8B0 626D6973  2037B8B4 00000061      Aladdin will NOT talk in battle    U6TA-0KB8-Y9TZP  5C0T-MMMC-57HKZ  B80Q-13XJ-G3B6E    2037B8B8 626D6973  2037B8BC 00000061      Jack Sparrow will NOT talk in battle    B9M8-N9PR-0DRXB  P9W3-YZK2-09Z9M  7X3Z-YV3G-JVPZD    2037B8C0 626D6973  2037B8C4 00000061      Beast will NOT talk in battle    JB8P-C6YY-7K6VW  RGM2-DVGN-PUNV5  831T-N2RJ-EUC6E    2037B8C8 626D6973  2037B8CC 00000061      Jack Skellington will NOT talk in battle    694D-QMUR-H1XTP  68QQ-V50P-A5MU2    2037B8D0 61786F72      Simba will NOT talk in battle    GRG6-9DY8-DQBTD  Q23U-738K-FYFMZ  5CFD-0GHW-X8D2M    2037B8D8 61786F72  2037B8Dc 00000061      Tron will NOT talk in battle    3YDA-8GFQ-BC6H0  CYBW-FDQH-WC4BA    2037B8E0  61786F72      Riku will NOT talk in battle    U7XP-9GGT-R2HPR  FYWV-7Q37-JNNW0    2037B8E8 61786F72     Sora doesn't appear when you Gameover   X442-D0ZR-EPHT5 G0MX-ZK1G-0CDCR   001ADDB8 00000000   Universal Character Mod V1 Crash Fix (If you are still using the first version of the UCM, this should reduce the amount of times it crashes the game)   MNM1-W9GH-HKZPD 0DPW-T6RP-T4R10   201A723C 00000000     Infinite Meter (Morale gauge, Saix's Berserker, etc.)   9DB2-EW40-H955R 22PK-ZR02-5RG9K   201CFC48 1000001F     Empty meter (Morale gauge, Saix's Berserker, etc.)   1YV3-WHMC-8YJQ2 HJY7-J0MF-U7ZZ7   201CFC48 0200202D     Normal Meter (Press R2 while entering a new area to temporarily deactivate the Infinite Meter/Empty Meter code for that area)   93RX-1UM7-W9NNV JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT JA68-EA4T-H0MN7   E001FDFF 0035B55C 201CFC48 45000013   Heaven or Hell Mode (In any way you recover HP(driving, hp orbs, save points, etc.)                                   You will die)   201862E8 00000000


   This is a tutorial for Jokering codes (this only  works for codes in RAW format). A Joker is a  code that can be triggered by pressing a button  on the controller while entering a new area. This  way, you do not need to have the code active  constantly.    Joker Address    E0XXYYYY 0035B55C  ????????? ?????????    XX The number of lines you want jokered  YYYY The joker value (use the YYYY digits posted below)  The ?'s represent the code you want jokered    The following digits determine which button(s) the  code will be assigned to:  
   YYYY Digits:    F7FF - R1  FBFF - L1  FDFF - R2  FEFF - L2  F3FF - R1+L1  F5FF - R1+R2  F6FF - R1+L2  F9FF - L1+R2  FAFF - L1+L2  FCFF - R2+L2  F7FD - L3+R1  FBFD - L3+L1  FDFD - L3+R2  FEFD - L3+L2  7FFD - L3+Square  DFFD - L3+Circle  77FF - R1+Square  D7FF - R1+Circle  7BFF - L1+Square  DBFF - L1+Circle  7DFF - R2+Square  DDFF - R2+Circle  7EFF - L2+Square  DEFF - L2+Circle
So to joker the following (fake) code: 1030456D 00003125 1030456F 00000063 to the R1 button, you would do this: E002F7FF 0035B55C 1030456D 00003125 1030456F 00000063 02 is there because you want the next 2 lines of code jokered F7FF is the joker value for the R1 button

New Codes

  Miscellaneous (2) Sight-Seeing Mode   55WZ-EKVP-06NDW 89UH-AV7V-M6APX 9AW3-93U1-00KB1 YPUC-799V-QWG8A RMMY-HZM5-R3V32 UA6X-4KV7-XCJE2 0GAK-PUP6-4PKKU   21CC5930 58455F4E 21CC5934 00303238 11CFA3FC 000003BE 2037AE7C FFFFFFFF 20378D2C 00000000 2037AE48 00000000     Levitation (Press R2)   6T68-22EW-Z0WGW JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT HCZE-8N74-3XNKM   D035B55C 0000FDFF 2037A514 BF000000   Riku code fix 11CFA3FC 0000089B 01CDCE77 0000002E 21CDCE78 7465736D 21CDCE7C 00000000 21CDCE80 00000000 01C88E64 00000005 10340A98 0000808A 2037A3D8 0016EA64 21CF0854 48455F57 21CF0858 00303030 21CF085C 00000000 21CF0860 00000000 21CFC700 40000000 10340A84 000000D0   Movie mode (R2 = Effect ON, L2 = Effect OFF)-----widescreen mode 20378D2C 00000000 2037AE48 00000000 E002FDFF 0035B55C 003567EC 00000001 003568FC 00000001 E002FEFF 0035B55C 003567EC 00000000 003568FC 00000000   Roxas and DW Roxas Can perform reaction commands (Press R2 and switch maps) (w/o joker it randomly freezes) E003FDFF 0035B55C 21CFBDEC 003F00AC 01CB992F 00000001 01CC382F 00000001   For the below codes, Press and Hold R2 as changing maps  (w/o joker, it randomly freezes)   Valor/Normal  E001FDFF 0035B55C 01CB989F 0000000A   Wisdom/normal E001FDFF 0035B55C 01CB97FF 00000000   Master/normal E001FDFF 0035B55C 01CB985F 0000000A   Final/normal E001FDFF 0035B55C 01CB98BF 00000000


Unknown said...

omg please fix your codes, they are annoying, I can't see them all and the way you did that was very dumb. please fix this. also i could help if you would liek me to

Anonymous said...

Thanks! :)
These have really helped me out.
